Prof. Dr. Ralf Tiedemann ORCID

Ralf Tiedemann
Marine Geologie
Alfred Wegener Institut

Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven

Veröffentlichungen und mehr

Veröffentlichungen, Präsentationen und Berichte: EPIC repository
Daten: PANGAEA repository
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Externe Aufgaben (Verantwortlichkeiten)

Speaker of "Research Division Geosciences"

Head of Section "Marine Geology"


My research is oriented towards interpreting biogeochemical signatures of oceanographic, climatologic and tectonic processes to improve our understanding about the natural climate variability of Earth’s history. Ongoing projects aims at identifying the mechanisms and processes that are associated with abrupt climate changes, warmer than present climate stages, and disentangling linkages and feedback loops in the complex atmosphere-ocean system and their role in the carbon cycle.