Dr. Ivan Kuznetsov ORCID

Ivan Kuznetsov
Alfred Wegener Institut

Klußmannstraße 3
27570 Bremerhaven
(Gebäude H | Raum 2021)

Veröffentlichungen und mehr

Veröffentlichungen, Präsentationen und Berichte: EPIC repository
Daten: PANGAEA repository
ResearchGate | GoogleScholar | Orcid

Externe Aufgaben (Verantwortlichkeiten)

• Developing ClimSight: a climate information system powered by Language Learning Models (LLMs).

• scientific research and publication


• MOSAiC:OCEAN - modeling


• Exploring the integration of Language Learning Models (LLMs) to enhance our understanding and dissemination of climate information.

• Investigation (sub)mesoscale processes in the ocean under the Arctic sea-ice

• Performing marine field studies and processing of oceanographic field data and big model data sets

• Investigating coastal processes using cutting-edge numerical modeling techniques

• Developing and applying coupled physical – biogeochemical coastal models, with a special focus on the carbonate system, oxygen and nutrients cycles

• Understanding regional ocean climate dynamics through climate sensitivity experiments