Dr. Michael Fritz
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Externe Aufgaben (Verantwortlichkeiten)
- Researcher in the EU-project ILLUQ coordinated by Hugues Lantuit; co-leading work package No.1 on "Contaminants"
- Co-PI of the Permafrost Carbon on the Beaufort Shelf (PECABEAU) project under the Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium (ARICE), a H2020 Integrating Activity for Starting Communities
- Co-lead of IASC Cross-Cutting Activity Permafrost On All Channels; education and outreach activity 2018-2020
- Co-lead of IPA Action Group A Frozen Ground Cartoon, funded by IPA and IASC
- Public profile on Publons:
Publons Profile
• Arctic land-ocean interactions
• Coastal permafrost dynamics and material transport pathways
• Permafrost hydrochemistry
• Dissolved and particulate organic matter matter