Dr. Matthias Brenner ORCID

Matthias Brenner
Ökologische Chemie
Alfred Wegener Institut

Am Handelshafen 12
27570 Bremerhaven

Veröffentlichungen und mehr

Veröffentlichungen, Präsentationen und Berichte: EPIC repository
Daten: PANGAEA repository
ResearchGate | Orcid

Externe Aufgaben (Verantwortlichkeiten)

Coordination of EU-North Sea Interreg-Project REMARCO - Remediation, Management, Monitoring and Cooperation addressing North Sea UXO

Partner in the BMBF/DAM funded CONMAR-C Project - Concepts for conventional Marine Munition Remediation in the German North and Baltic Sea

Partner in the Baltic Sea Interreg project MUNIMAP - Baltic Sea Munitions Remediation Roadmap

Co-lead of DFG SPP Antarctis funded project RecorD - RecorD - Recording the baseline before the change: First steps towards an integrated chemical and biological pollution and effects assessment off Dronning Maud Land


biological effects of stressors bio-active substances, environmental monitoring, health assessment of invertebrates and fishes