Dr. Henrik Sadatzki ORCID

Henrik Sadatzki
Marine Geologie
Alfred Wegener Institut

(Raum 1410)

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Daten: PANGAEA repository
ResearchGate | GoogleScholar | Orcid


I am interested in a wide variety of aspects related to paleoceanography and climate research. In my research I study past ocean conditions in various regions and investigate their dynamics and linkages with atmospheric and climate changes on various time scales.


My research includes investigation of changes in the coupled ocean-cryosphere-climate system at northern and southern high latitudes during the last glacial/deglacial and past warm periods, variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and surface ocean conditions in the Pacific Southern Ocean throughout the Pleistocene, and dynamics of coupled ocean-atmosphere changes in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean across the last deglaciation.


I use marine sediments from the deep ocean as archive of information on past ocean conditions and various organic and inorganic geochemical proxy methods for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. In these sediments I investigate different molecular biomarkers and their isotopic composition as well as the geochemistry of microfossil shells, which reveals information on past sea ice cover, ocean temperature, current patterns and rainfall.