Konferenzen die wir uns nicht engehen lassen:
World Aquaculture 2025 Diesmal dabei: Joachim Henjes
Aquaculture Europe: Diesmal dabei: Mirko Bögner
International Flusskrebstagung
Hauck, O. and Suckow B.: "EU-Projekt Clancy - Geht es der Wollhandhandkrabbe jetzt an den Kragen?", 11. International Flusskerebstagung 2024, Löwenstein 23 -24.10.24
Boegner, D. , Schmachtl, F. , Mayr, B. , Pohl, L. , Hubal, L. , Daub, M. , Jaehne, G. , Boegner, M. , Halfer, J. , Lorkowski, K. and Slater, M. J. (2018): Up-scalins ozone treated sludge as carbon source for denitrification : from lab to RAS working at commercial scale, World Aquaculture Society Meetings 2018, Montpellier, France, 25 August 2018 - 29 August 2018
Bögner, D., Bögner, M., Böckmann, K.M., Szidat, K., Lenfers, A., Zimmer, Y., Behrendt, C., Salzwedel, M., Klemm, K., Slater, M.J., Henjes, J. (2021) Ultrasound disinfection in freshwater and marine recirculating systems. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2021, International Conference and Exposition, October 4-7, Madeira, Portugal. Poster Presentation. European Aquaculture Society - ePoster Viewer (aquaeas.org)/ AE2021AbstractBook.pdf (windows.net) p164
Bögner, D., Jähne, G., Böckmann, K.M., Slater, M.J. (2021) Up-scalling the application of hydrogen peroxide as disinfection method in a commercial RAS rearing Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): A case study. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2021, International Conference and Exposition, October 4-7, Madeira, Portugal. Poster Presentation. European Aquaculture Society - ePoster Viewer (aquaeas.org)/ AE2021AbstractBook.pdf (windows.net) p162.
Zeytin,S., Bögner, D., Mathes, M., Tolasa Gündogdu,H., Gündogdu, E., Jost, J., Jost, P.O., Blanc, C., Slater, M.J. (2021) The application of ultrasound as cage antifouling method and its impact on European Seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2021, International Conference and Exposition, October 4-7, Madeira, Portugal. Poster Presentation. European Aquaculture Society - ePoster Viewer (aquaeas.org)/ AE2021AbstractBook.pdf (windows.net)
Bögner, D., Bögner, M., Schmachtl, F., Bill, N., Halfer, J., Lorkoswki, K., and Slater, M.J. (2019) Demystifying critics about hydrogen peroxide utilization in recirculating aquaculture systems. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2019, International Conference and Exposition, October 7-10, Berlin, Germany. Oral Presentation. https://www.aquaeas.eu/uncategorised/402-welcome-to-aquaculture-europe-2019
Boegner, D. , Schmachtl, F. , Mayr, B. , Pohl, L. , Hubal, L. , Daub, M. , Jaehne, G. , Boegner, M. , Halfer, J. , Lorkowski, K. and Slater, M. J. (2018): Up-scalins ozone treated sludge as carbon source for denitrification : from lab to RAS working at commercial scale, World Aquaculture Society Meetings 2018, Montpellier, France, 25 August 2018 - 29 August 2018
Alberts-Hubatsch, H. , Beermann, J. and Slater, M. J. (2018)
Effect of feeding on fatty acid profile of marine Amphipods - Implications for Aquaculture, World Aquaculture Society Meetings 2018, Montpellier, France, 25 August 2018 - 29 August 2018
Bögner, M., Schwenke, C., Gürtzgen, Bögner, D., T., Slater, M.J. (2018) Ambient light intensity influences growth performance and diurnal stress response of juvenile starry flounder Platichthys stellatus in recirculating aquaculture systems. World Aquaculture Society Meetings 2018, Montpellier, France, 25 August 2018 - 29 August 2018
Alberts-Hubatsch, H. , Ende, S. , Schuhn, A. , von der Marwitz, C. , Wirtz, A. , Fuchs, V. , Henjes, J. and Slater, M. J. (2017) Integration of hybrid striped bass Morone saxatilis x M. chrysops, noble crayfish Astacus astacus, watercress Nasturtium officinale and microalgae Nannochloropsis limnetica in an experimental aquaponic system. Aquaculture Europe 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 17 October 2017 - 21 October 2017.
Boegner, M. , Colsoul, B. , Lorkowski, K. and Slater, M. J. (2017). Present status of fish transport in Germany. Aquaculture Europe 2017.
Bögner, D., Schmachtl, F., Mayr, B., Pohl, L., Franz, C.P., Jaehne, G., Lorkowski, K., Slater, M.J. (2017) Sludge composition during ozone activation: preliminary results of its reuse capabilities as carbon source for denitrification. Aquaculture Europe 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 17 October 2017 - 21 October 2017.
Slater, M. J. , Colsoul, B. and Jaehne, G. (2017). Shrimp Aquaculture in Europe - A Sustainable Future? World Aquaculture 2017, Cape Town, South Africa.
Hoerterer, C., Zeytin S., Weiss M., Slater M. J., LUPINE MEAL AS PRIMARY PROTEIN SOURCE IN DIETS FOR EUROPEAN SEA BASS Dicentrarchus labrax. Aquaculture Europe 16, Edinburgh, Scotland, 20 September 2016 - 23 September 2016 .
Schmidt J., Hemsing V., Slater M. J., Buck B.H., CAN GLUCAN SUPPLEMENTATION COMPENSATE GROWTH LOSS IN STARRY FLOUNDER Platichthys stellatus FED FISHMEAL-REDUCED DIETS? European Aquaculture Conference 2015 – Rotterdam, Netherlands
Schmidt J., Hemsing V., Slater M. J., Buck B.H., CAN GLUCAN SUPPLEMENTATION COMPENSATE GROWTH LOSS IN STARRY FLOUNDER Platichthys stellatus FED FISHMEAL-REDUCED DIETS? World Aquaculture Conference 2015, Jeju, Korea
Bögner M., Zwicker S., Slater M. J., Influence of feeding sequence, light and colour on performance of self-grading systems for turbot. World Aquaculture Conference 2015, Jeju, Korea
U. Seemann. Growth performance of noble crayfish in indoor facilities, Crustaceologen-Tagung 2015, Bremerhaven.
U. Seemann. Growth performance of noble crayfish in indoor facilities, European Crayfish Conference 2015, Landau
Lorkowski K., Bögner M. and Colsoul B., NikoDe - Developing an automated monitoring and control system for denitrification in marine recirculating aquaculture. Conference Poster @ Youmares 6, Bremen.
Bögner, D., Schmachtl, F., Linden, C., Wildfoster, L., Lorkowski, K., Wittke, S., Slater, M.J. (2016). Activated particulate organic matter as a carbon source for denitrification in RAS. LACQUA 16, 29 Nov-01 Dec 2016. Lima Peru. Oral presentation.
Nikode Workshop (2015) – Workshop zur Denitrifikation in Aquakultur-Kreislaufanlagen mit Herstellern, Betreibern und Wissenschaftltern aus dem Aquakulturbereich
Konferenzen die wir uns nicht engehen lassen:
World Aquaculture 2025 Diesmal dabei: Joachim Henjes
Aquaculture Europe: Diesmal dabei: Mirko Bögner
International Flusskrebstagung