- MOSAiC Expedition
- UN Decade of Ocean Science
- UN Ocean Treaty
- UN Climate Change Conference
- 15 years of Neumayer Station III
- Ships
- Stations
- Aircraft
- Cruise Planning
Work + Study
- AWI as an employer
- Postdocs
- Out of university
Vocational training professions
- Biology lab assistant
- Chemistry lab assistant
- Clerk for office management
- IT system integration specialist
- IT application development specialist
- Media and information services specialist
- Industrial mechanic (Bremerhaven and Helgoland)
- Plant mechanic for sanitary, heating and air conditioning systems
Vocational training professions
- Out of school
- Jobs
About us
- Organisation
- Bremerhaven
- Potsdam
- Helgoland
- Sylt
- Oldenburg
- Things to know
- Logistics
- Service
- Publications
- Benthic Ecology
- Integrative Ecophysiology
- Marine Biogeosciences
- Sustainable Marine Bioeconomy
- Coastal Ecology
- Shelf Sea System Ecology
- Ecological Chemistry
Polar Biological Oceanography
- Main Research Focus
- Team
- Teaching&Outreach
- Deep-Sea Ecology and Technology
Research Focus
- Oceanic microseisms
- Transition from Cretaceous Greenhouse to Tertiary Icehouse
- Development and dynamics of ice sheets
- North Atlantic Deepwater and its precursors
- Observatories, long-term measurements
- Formation of the Arctic Basin
- Gateways of the Southern Ocean
- Large Igneous Provinces
- Bathymetric Compilations
- Team
- Methods and Tools
- Expeditions
Research Focus
- Glaciology
- Permafrost Research
- Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems
Marine Geochemistry
- Overarching themes
- Research themes
- Team
- Teaching & Education
- Projects
- Tools
- Marine Geology
Climate Sciences
- Awards and honors
- Events
- Climate Dynamics
- Paleoclimate Dynamics
- Atmospheric Physics
Physical Oceanography
Main Research Topics
- Circulation in the Arctic Ocean and the Nordic Seas
- Southern Ocean - Overturning Circulation
- Ocean-Ice Shelf Interaction
- Southern Ocean climate interactions (SO-Klim)
Ocean Acoustics Group - AWI OZA
- Projects - AWI OZA
- Outreach Activities - AWI OZA
- Acoustic Ecology - AWI OZA
- Infrared Based Whale Detection - AWI OZA
- Habitat Modeling - AWI OZA
- Underwater Soundscapes - AWI OZA
- Team - AWI OZA
- Passive Acoustic Monitoring - AWI OZA
- OPUS - Open Portal to Underwater Soundscapes
- Publications, Contributions & Outreach Activities - AWI OZA
- Polar underwater sounds - AWI OZA (Kopie 2)
- Ocean Optics
- Team
- Projects
- Instruments and Methods
- Long-term Observations
- Teaching and Education
- Publications
Main Research Topics
- Sea Ice Physics
- Junior Groups
Special Groups
- Scientific Computing
Scientific Diving
- News from the CSD
- Online - Seminar on Marine Technology, Research and Experiences in Coastal waters” – MarTREC
- Course Reports
- Locations and Facilities
- Who can Dive at the AWI?
- Scientific Projects
- Publications
- MarGate
- Biota order
- The use of small boats
- Licence refreshment
- Scientific Diver
- Supervisor for Scientific Diver
- Project support (Guests & Partners)
- Special courses
- Members of the working group
- Contact
- Bionic Lightweight Design
Aquaculture Research
- Topics
- Team
- PolySpon
- LokaLaStern
- ShrimpWiz
- MarbleGrade
- CranGo
- LegumES
- UrbanAQUA
- QualiZander
- BioDeSal
- Clancy
- Sorted!
- CrustaWohl
- PhycoFarming
- MaNaKa
- Students
- Completed Projects
- Infrastructure
- Paper
- Impact
- Partner
- Marine Aquaculture
Aquaculture Research
- EU-PolarNet
- Antarctica InSync
- Research program
- Research infrastructure
- Research profiles
- Long Term Observations
- Data + Products
- Awards and honours
- Good Scientific Practice