Human Resources Department
Whether your feel most comfortable at your desk, the work bench, the computer, between bookcases or at the microscope – we offer the right training. Our wide range of vocational training professions leads you into administrative areas such as the finance, procurement or human resources departments, the library, the computer centre, our scientific laboratories, the housing technology or the scientific workshop.
Do you want to know what opportunities await you? First of all: We guarantee each and every one of our apprentices an extra year after successfully completed training in order to enable them to gain work experience and to orientate themselves.
Unfortunately, we cannot hire every apprentice on a permanent basis – but there is a chance that this will happen! We are a large institution with well over 1,000 employees; so we develop from within. There are always permanent staffing needs in training areas – whether in management, in the laboratory, in the housing technology or in the workshop, in the data centre... Whether such positions are then filled with you as a former apprentice depends on several factors – your performance, your interests, the necessary experience, etc. The possibility of permanent employment at AWI exists in any case, though, and if the conditions are right, it will also gladly be offered.
Even if it does not work out with an acceptance on the part of AWI – or if you, as an apprentice, want to take a look at another branch after the successful completion of your apprenticeship: Experience over the years has shown that people are very well trained at AWI (see also Awards) and that AWI apprentices are also frequently offered positions in other companies and organisations. Studying after your apprenticeship and returning to AWI during or after your studies, e. g. for a bachelor or master thesis or as a PhD student is also possible.
The prospects are good – either way!
Human Resources Department
We can only offer most training professions in Bremerhaven – although we also train chemical laboratory workers in Potsdam and industrial mechanics on Helgoland.
Biological laboratory technicians usually work together with natural scientists in laboratories in industry, universities and research institutions. The tasks relate to planning, carrying out and analysing examinations of animals, plants, microorganisms and cell cultures.
Further information about the profession and training can be found here (available only in German).
Chemical laboratory technicians usually work together with natural scientists in laboratories in industry, at universities and research institutions. The tasks relate to the planning, execution and evaluation of substance analyses, the production of chemical substances and the separation of substance mixtures. In addition to carrying out investigations and procedures in the fields of synthesis, instrumental analysis, spectroscopy and physico-chemical work, the recording, logging, documentation and evaluation of measurement and investigation data with the help of EDP play an important role.
Further information about the profession and training can be found here (available only in German).
Clerks for office management are particularly common in accounting, where they check and post incoming and outgoing invoices. This requires great attention to detail and a good understanding of figures. In the secretarial department, office management assistants are much more than just the manager's right-hand man. They answer all calls, coordinate appointments and manage files. Regardless of the area in which they are employed, office management assistants are responsible for correspondence. You will learn how to use programmes such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. During your apprenticeship, you will gradually familiarise yourself with the various administrative areas. The specialisations, the so-called "elective qualifications", are specified in the AWI, namely the areas of "Purchasing and Logistics" and "Commercial Management and Finance".
Further information about the profession and training can be found here (available only in German).
IT specialists specialising in system integration look after and configure computers and their operating systems, set up networks and install servers. They take care of everything that is used by employees on a day-to-day basis - infrastructure, hardware and software.
Further information about the profession and training can be found here (available only in German).
IT specialists specialising in application development design, develop and implement software solutions. They analyse the requirements, implement them in various programming languages and then ensure smooth operation with the corresponding maintenance.
Further information about the profession and training can be found here (available only in German).
Media and information services specialists acquire comprehensive knowledge about the procurement and provision of media and information. They order electronic and printed media and record these in the relevant IT systems. They also maintain the library's printed collections. In addition to working on the computer, they are in direct contact with library users and support them in their search for the desired information.
Further information about the profession and training can be found here (available only in German).
Industrial mechanics ensure that machines and production systems are ready for operation. They manufacture equipment parts, machine components and assemblies and assemble them into machines and technical systems. They then set them up, put them into operation and test their functions.
Further information about the profession and training can be found here (available only in German).
Plumbing, heating and air conditioning technicians install heating and ventilation systems as well as sanitary installations. They plan their work steps in advance using work instructions and technical documents. They process pipes, sheet metal and profiles made of metal or plastic manually or using machines.
Further information about the profession and training can be found here (available only in German).
Electronic technicians for energy and building technology install, maintain and repair electrical systems in buildings. They plan and assemble lighting, energy distribution and communication systems and also carry out safety tests to ensure smooth operation. They also advise on energy efficiency issues and use modern technologies to develop sustainable solutions.
Further information about the profession and training can be found here (available only in German).