Celebrating 20 years of Russian-German Expeditions LENA

The joint Russian-German LENA Expeditions have been organized annually since 1998 with a geographic focus on the Lena River Delta, the New Siberian Islands and the coastal zone of the Laptev Sea. The research station on Samoylov Island was frequently used as a scientific and logistical base for field work.

For the 20th anniversary of this unique and successful bilateral research cooperation, a scientific symposium was held at the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) in St. Petersburg from 17 to 19 October 2018. It provided an excellent forum to present major results of the past 20 years of joint research and to discuss goals for future collaborations.

Symposium Program: PDF

The anniversary was also celebrated with a festschrift summarizing the history of 20 years of Russian-German LENA Expeditions and providing colorful insights into individual expeditions and research findings. The 205-page festschrift was published in three languages (Russian, German, English) and was presented during the opening ceremony of the symposium.

Digital copies can be downloaded as pdf here:

20 лет наземных исследований в сибирской Арктике (Russian version)

Хуббертен, Х. В.; Большиянов, Д. Ю.; Григорьев, М. Н.; Гроссе, Г.; Моргенштерн, А.; Пфайффер, Е. М.; Рахольд, Ф.; Ширрмайстер, Л., eds (2018): 20 лет наземных исследований в сибирской Арктике, История экспедиций "Лена" / Х. Хуббертен , Д. Большиянов , М. Григорьев , Г. Гроссе , А. Моргенштерн , Е. Пфайффер , Ф. Рахольд; Л. Ширрмайстер (editors) , Герма́ния, Институт полярных и морских исследований им. Альфреда Вегенера, 205 p., ISBN: 978-3-88808-715-8 .


20 Jahre terrestrische Forschung in der sibirischen Arktis (German version)

Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang; Bolshiyanov, Dimitry Y.; Grigoriev, Mikhail N.; Grosse, Guido; Morgenstern, Anne; Pfeiffer, Eva-Maria; Rachold, Volker; Schirrmeister, Lutz, eds (2018): 20 Jahre terrestrische Forschung in der sibirischen Arktis, Die Geschichte der Lena-Expeditionen / H. Hubberten , D. Bolshiyanov , M. Grigoriev , G. Grosse , A. Morgenstern , E. Pfeiffer , V. Rachold; L. Schirrmeister (editors) , Deutschland, Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, 205 p., ISBN: 978-3-88808-716-5 .


20 Years of Terrestrial Research in the Siberian Arctic (English version)

Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang; Bolshiyanov, Dimitry Y.; Grigoriev, Mikhail N.; Grosse, Guido; Morgenstern, Anne; Pfeiffer, Eva-Maria; Rachold, Volker; Schirrmeister, Lutz, eds (2018): 20 Years of Terrestrial Research in the Siberian Arctic, The History oft he Lena Expeditions / H. Hubberten , D. Bolshiyanov , M. Grigoriev , G. Grosse , A. Morgenstern , E. Pfeiffer , V. Rachold; L. Schirrmeister (editors) , Germany, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, 205 p., ISBN: 978-3-88808-714-1 .


Siberian permafrost ecosystems in transition - over 25 years of joint research

Siberian permafrost and the ecosystems there are of global importance due to their interaction with the climate. For more than 25 years we have been researching the interrelationships between permafrost, biodiversity and climate in close and friendly cooperation. With joint Arctic expeditions, jointly operated observatories and laboratories, and a lively exchange of young scientists, we provide an internationally unique and recognised research contribution to one of the major challenges facing society.