Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Scientific integrity, conscientiousness, honesty and open discourse form the basis of our professional ethics.

The good reputation and credibility of scientists, research institutes and science as a whole are based on these principles and, in the worst case, can be severely damaged by the misconduct of individuals.

At AWI, we follow Rules of Good Scientific Practice and Rules of Procedure for Suspected Scientific Misconduct. These guidelines are based on the Code of Conduct “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice” of the DFG and must be implemented by all research institutions that want to obtain DFG funding.


The ombudsperson of the AWI helps to ensure good scientific practice at the AWI in accordance with our guidelines. The ombudsperson is available to all scientists directly and independently for advice and support on all questions of good scientific practice. The ombudsperson is the first point of contact in cases of doubts about scientific integrity and of suspected scientific misconduct. It helps whistleblowers to assess suspicions and contributes to mediation in conflict situations.

All concerns raised are treated as strictly confidential, also beyond the conclusion of a case.

The ombudsperson of the AWI is Prof. Dr. Björn Rost with Prof. Dr. Torsten Kanzow and Prof. Dr. Vera Schlindwein as deputies. Either of them can be contacted.