Welcome to the AWI's Ocean Acoustic Group

Our Profile

Our questions:

  • What do the polar oceans sound like?
  • Where are the whales, when and why?
  • What is the ecological role of sound for marine mammals?
  • How will human activities and climate change impact on the acoustic environment and marine mammal ecology?
  • How can we best minimize potential impacts of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals?

Our focus:

We explore the distribution and behavior of whales and seals and their underwater acoustic environment in the polar oceans, the Weddell Sea and Fram Strait in particular.
To do so, we use long-term (multi-year) visual observations and passive acoustic recordings.

Our tasks:

  • To provide reliable information on year-round distributions of marine mammals in polar oceans to inform conservation, management and science.
  • To collect large scale, multi-year passive acoustic data to understand factors, acoustic sources and processes that shape the underwater acoustic environment in (virtually) pristine regions, data which can serve as a reference for human-impacted areas.
  • To develop reliable, real-time whale detection methods for both, night and day.
  • To make underwater soundscapes experiencable for the public.

Research Topics

...studies the interaction between the acoustic environment, whales and seals.

...investigates the range of natural and anthopogenic sounds audible in the polar seas.

...explores the ecological drivers of whale occurrences.


...to detect marine mammals 24/7 for research and mitigation.

... facilitates yearround recordings of the underwater soundscape.

...the Open Portal to Underwater Soundscapes makes our data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR)

Who we are

...who made it all happen.

...lists and links.

… funded projects and national and international collaborations


...sound snipptes from the polar oceans.