Marine Climate Change Impacts and Solutions Laboratory
Understanding the IMPACTS of climate change and finding SOLUTIONS for climate change.
In the middle of a climate crisis, we must continue gaining knowledge about the effects of global warming on fragile ecosystems such as the polar regions, while at the same time moving from knowledge to action seeking to apply or knowledge to find ways to mitigate climate change.
The Marine Applied Research Laboratory aims to improve our understanding of the processes that lead to carbon sequestration in the ocean: from primary productivity at the surface to carbon export to the deep sea.
Building on our strong knowledge on primary productivity measurements, carbon and nutrient uptake quantification, biodiversity estimates, grazing experiments, and biogeochemical modelling we:
Investigate the consequences of climate change in the Arctic Ocean for primary productivity, biodiversity and trophic transfer efficiency.
Assess the potential of macroalgae for long-term carbon dioxide removal and storage in the ocean.
Team Photos
Team Lead
Dr. Mar Fernández-Méndez
For appointments please write to Tatiana
Technical Assistance
Dr. Sarah Lena Eggers
Project managemer of the C-Cause Consortium Project SPRIND-D
Dr. Julia Schnetzer
Dr. Miriam Philippi
Dr. Kim Vane
PhD Canditates
Dissertation Title: Response of Arctic phytoplankton to declining silicic acid
Dissertation Title: TBD
M.Sc. Candidates
- Master thesis title: Carbon uptake of the green seaweed Ulva under different nutrient conditions
- Master thesis title: Characterisation of the Arctic Phytoplankton community at the Chlorophyll maximum at the Hausgarten observatory in spring 2023 using microscopy and photosynthetic pigment analysis.
B.Sc. Candidates
Laura Laier
- Bachelor thesis title: Pelagic macroalgae and phytoplankton across the subtropical Atlantic
Mohammed Sahid
Mar Fernández-Méndez (0000-0002-4968-1156) - ORCID
- Diatom-mediated food web functioning under ocean artificial upwelling - Goldenberg, S.U. - 2024 - Scientific Reports
- Rectifying misinformation on the climate intervention potential of ocean afforestation - Smetacek, V. - 2024 - Nature Communications
- Rhizobia–diatom symbiosis fixes missing nitrogen in the ocean - Tschischko, B. - 2024 - Nature
Mar Fernández-Méndez (0000-0002-4968-1156) - ORCID
- Counteracting effects of nutrient composition (Si:N) on export flux under artificial upwelling - Baumann,M. -2023- Fronteirs in Marine Science
- Coastal N2 Fixation Rates Coincide Spatially With Nitrogen Loss in the Humboldt Upwelling System off Peru - Kittu - 2023 - Global Biogeochemical Cycles - Wiley Online Library
- Ocean afforestation is a potentially effective way to remove carbon dioxide - Wang, W.L. - 2023 - Nature Communications
- Sequestrierung und Speicherung von Kohlenstoff im Meer durch Sargassum-Aquakulturen - Fernández Méndez, M. - 2023 - WARNSIGNAL-KLIMA: Hilft Technik gegen die Erderwärmung ? Climate Engineering in der Diskussion, Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen in Kooperation mit GEO
- Methylphosphonate-driven methane formation and its link to primary production in the oligotrophic North Atlantic - N. von Arx, J. - 2023- Nature Communications
Mar Fernández-Méndez (0000-0002-4968-1156) - ORCID
- Nutrient composition (Si:N) as driver of plankton communities during artificial upwelling - Goldenberg, S.U. - 2022 - Frontiers in Marine Science
- Oligotrophic Phytoplankton Community Effectively Adjusts to Artificial Upwelling Regardless of Intensity, but Differently Among Upwelling Modes - Ortiz, J. - 2022 - Frontiers in Marine Science
Mar Fernández-Méndez (0000-0002-4968-1156) - ORCID
- Diversity and Composition of Pelagic Prokaryotic and Protist Communities in a Thin Arctic Sea-Ice Regime - Goncalves de Sousa, A.G. - 2019 - Microbial Ecology
- A red tide in the pack ice of the Arctic Ocean - Olson, L.M. - 2019 - Scientific Reports
- Algal Hot Spots in a Changing Arctic Ocean: Sea-Ice Ridges and the Snow-Ice Interface - Fernández-Méndez, M. - 2018 - Frontiers in Marine Science
- Biogenic silica production and diatom dynamics in the Svalbard region during spring - Krause,J.W. - 2018 - European Geosciences Union: Biogeosciences
- Effects of Ice-Algal Aggregate Export on the Connectivity of Bacterial Communities in the Central Arctic Ocean - Rapp, J.Z. - 2018 - Frontiers in Microbiology
- Algal Colonization of Young Arctic Sea Ice in Spring - Kauko, H.M. - 2018 - Frontiers in Marine Science
- Polar solar panels: Arctic and Antarctic microbiomes display similar taxonomic profiles - Tanner, K. - 2017 -Environmental Microbiology Reports
- Leads in Arctic pack ice enable early phytoplankton blooms below snow-covered sea ice - Assmy, P. - 2017 - Nature: Scientific Reports
- Characterizing Spatial Variability of Ice Algal Chlorophyll a and Net Primary Production between Sea Ice Habitats Using Horizontal Profiling Platforms - Lange, B.A. - 2017 - Frontiers in Marine Science
- The seeding of ice algal blooms in Arctic pack ice: The multiyear ice seed repository hypothesis - Olsen, L.M. - 2016 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
- Windows in Arctic sea ice: Light transmission and ice algae in a refrozen lead - Kauko, H.M. - 2017 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
- Altered inherent optical properties and estimates of the underwater light field during an Arctic under-ice bloom of Phaeocystis pouchetii - Pavlov,A.K. - 2017 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
- Carbon export fluxes and export efficiency in the central Arctic during the record sea-ice minimum in 2012. A joint 234Th/238U and 210Po/210Pb study - 2016 - Roca-Marti, M. - Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
- Diazotroph Diversity in the Sea Ice, Melt Ponds, and Surface Waters of the Eurasian Basin of the Central Arctic Ocean - Fernández-Méndez, M. - 2016 - Frontiers in Microbiology
- Photosynthetic production in the central Arctic Ocean during the record sea-ice minimum in 2012 - Fernández-Méndez, M. - 2015 - Biogeiosciences
- An assessment of phytoplankton primary productivity in the Arctic Ocean from satellite ocean color/in situ chlorophyll-a-based models- Lee, Y. - 2015 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
- Distribution of algal aggregates under summer sea ice in the Central Arctic - Katlein,C. - 2014 - Polar Biology
- Composition, Buoyancy Regulation and Fate of Ice Algal Aggregates in the Central Arctic Ocean - Fernández-Méndez, M. - 2014 - PLoS ONE
- Floating ice-algal aggregates below melting Arctic sea ice.- Assmy, P. - 2013 - PLoS ONE
- Export of Algal Biomass from the Melting Arctic Sea Ice. - Boetius, A. - 2013- Science
Former Post-docs
Dr. Jiajun Wu
Former MSc.
Jasmin Behnke, M.Sc.
- Thesis title: Carbon fixation rates and biomass composition (C:N:P) of the pelagic macroalgae Sargassum fluitans III cultivated in a stationary aquafarm and under different fertilization treatments on St. Vincent
Natasha Bryan, M.Sc.
- Thesis title: Developing a Novel Methodology to investigate Diatom Silicification in the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean using Imaging Flow Cytometry and PDMPO
Judith Matz, M.Sc.
- Thesis title: Investigation of new and regenerated primary production during summer in Arctic Fjords using 13C and 15N
Katharina Paetz, M.Sc.
- Thesis title: Genetic analysis of the habitat surrounding floating Sargassum – a biodiversity analysis of a potential carbon dioxide removal candidate in the wild and in aquafarms
Jana Pinhel , M.Sc.
- Thesis title: Characterization of Arctic phytoplankton assemblages: a comparative approach with light microscopy and imaging flow cytometry
Thorben Otto, B.Sc. (incomplete)
- Thesis title: Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) excretion of pelagic Sargassum under different nutrient conditions
Désiré Dêgbé Attannon Fiogbe, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Nicola Schwehm
Working Group Management:
Project Leader
Dr. Mar Fernández-Méndez
Tatiana Michelle Torres J.D.
Technical Assistant:
Dr. Lena Eggers