Other expeditions, abstracts, proceedings
General information
Starting from 2013 a more stringent structuring concept has been implemented in compiling the final expedition reports of "Polarstern" to be published in the "Reports on Polar and Marine Research". Apart from the bibliometric entry of the reports as "hdl" into AWI's electronic Publication and Information Center (ePIC) Reports on Polar and Marine Research are additionally linked to a permant identifyer (DOI) with the objective to persistently archive them, improve their accessibility and advance their retrieval.
Reasons for the application of templates
The use of templates ensures to maintain a persistent style in respect to text, tables and captions.
Use of a Microsoft-Word-based template
Since Microsoft Word is widely used the template is based on that programme. The author simply overwrites the AWI style sheets specifically designed for special text elements, such as headings, running text, captions. The style sheets of these individual text components will have the corresponding name like AWI-heading 1, 2 or 3, AWI-standard, AWI-captions etc.
Application of the templates
For pasting text from other documents, i.e. from expedition programs, kindly use the menu "Edit" and then "paste special" to insert the text in an unformatted way. In addition to the word document serving as template and which should be compatible with all word-versions, a manual details the formatting of text, tables and captions. The editors like to point out that only the application of this template will ensure a correctly formatted and faultless import into the professional desktop publishing software Adobe Indesign which they are using for the final layout.
Presenting photos for the cover page
After implementing the new Corporate Design at AWI also the cover pages of the Reports on Polar and Marine Research had been adapted. A photo representative for that expedition or that workshop will be used on the cover page. Therefore, the author is asked to submit 3 photos in landscape format for the editors to choose from. Please note that the blue AWI banderol will overlap about a third of the photo at the bottom.
A Copyright licence in which the photographer agrees to vest his rights to AWI must be returned.
Print on demand
An optional print may be ordered via the respective sections resp. divisions of the authors. BzPM pdf documents are issued in a pdf version ready for printing (eBIS: Drucksache). You will find further parameters required by the printing company, such as colour information etc. in concurrence with the AWI corporate design in the download section. Please note that the size will be scaled down to ca 80 % of A4 format.