9th International Workshop on Sea Ice Modelling, Data Assimilation and Verification
A joint workshop of the International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG), the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP – the flagship activity of the Polar Prediction Project by the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP)), GODAE Oceanview (GOV) and the Coordination & Support Action KEPLER by the European Commission.
17-19. Juni 2019 hosted by the Alfred Wegener Institute at Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen, Germany
Objective: This workshop builds on a series of successful workshops organized by the IICWG Data Assimilation Working Group to advance international capabilities for automated sea ice analysis and prediction on timescales from hours to a season. In conjunction with the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) organized by the WWRP-PPP and GOV, a particular need has been identified regarding the development of more mature and meaningful methods for sea ice verification. The focus of the workshop is to discuss cross-cutting issues in sea ice modelling and data assimilation and how deficiencies of current systems can be more efficiently diagnosed and addressed.
General topics considered appropriate for this workshop include:
- Sea ice data assimilation (methods and results)
- Sea ice observations and uncertainties
- Sea ice model parameterizations and coupling to ocean and atmosphere models
- Verification approaches for sea ice analyses and forecasts
- Automated prediction systems
Organization: The workshop will be organized around presentations with ample time for discussion and a poster session.
Organizing Committee: Frank Kauker (AWI, OASys, KEPLER), Helge Goessling (AWI, PPP/YOPP, KEPLER), Laurent Bertino (NERSC, KEPLER), Mark Buehner (ECCC, IICWG-DAWG), Gilles Garric (MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL, KEPLER), Leif Toudal Pedersen (eolab.dk, IICWG-DAWG, DTU, KEPLER), Lynn Pogson (ECCC) and Greg Smith (ECCC, PPP/YOPP, GOV).
Social Dinner: We will have a social dinner on Monday evening at the Schuettinger Gastbrauhaus, Hinter dem Schuetting 12-13, just 350m walking distance from the venue. We will meet there at 7:30pm.
Presentations and Poster of the Workshop
Sea Ice Observations and uncertainties
- KEPLER - - Key Environmental monitoring for Polar Latitudes and European Readiness, Nick Hughes
- Quantitative Network Design Analyses of Observational Scenarios within KEPLER, Thomas Kaminski
- KEPLER Questionnaire, Helge Goessling, Steffen Tietsche
- <link file:21057 _blank download>Improving Sea Ice Concentration Algorithms in peparation for the Copernicus Imaging Microwave RAdiometer, Thomas Lavergne
- High-resolution daily sea-ice conentration from MODIS thermal infrared imagery, 2002-2019: Current status and available products, Sascha Willmes presented by Fabian Reiser
- Multi-sensor data fusion for ice mapping around Greenland, Matilde Brandt Kreiner
- Ice Thickness and Deformation in the 2018 Greenland Polynya, Christian Haas
- Sea Ice and Snow Cover interaction revealed y combined retrieval of Sea Ice Thickness and Snow depth with CryoSat-2 and SMOS, Shiming Xu
- Inter-comparison of ten sea-ice concentration products, Stefan Kern
- About the synergistic use of _SMOS and CryoSat observations for ocean-ice Forecasts, Lars Kaleschke
- The Sea Ice Drift Forecast Experiment: Insights from 25,000 forecasts and a look ahead, Helge Goessling
- On the SAR mapping of young sea ice in the marginal ice zone from ocean gravity wave attenuation, Giacomo De Carolis
- Sea Ice Concentration uncertainties, Rasmus Tonboe
- Sea-ice thickness and snow depth observations from satellite altimeters in Arctic and Antarctica for sea ice modelling, Florent Garnier
Sea ice model parameterizations and coupling to ocean and atmosphere models
- Improvement of the dynamical core of CICE, Till Rasmussen
- A new grounding scheme for modeling landfast ice, Jean-Francois Lemieux
- Fast EVP solutions in a high-resolution sea ice model, Nikolay Koldunov
- New parameterization of bulk transfer coefficients for the stably stratified surface layer, Christof Lüpkes
- Implementation of a dynamic sea ice model in a coupled NWP system, Sarah Keeley
Sea ice data assimilation (methods and results)
- SAR data assimilation in environment Canada ice prediction system, Alexander Komarov
- Assimilation of sea ice deformation into a Lagrangian sea ice model, Anton Korosov
- Assimilation of ice thickness observations at ECCC, Mark Buehner
- Ensemble Data Assimilation with the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework, Lars Nerger
- Sea ice data assimilation in a seamless global coupled sea-ice prediction system, Lonjiang Mu
- Improving sea ice forecasts by assimilating CryoSat-2 near-real-time ice thickness and VIIRS ice concentration observations, David Hebert
Sea ice data assimilation (methods and results)
- Toward optimization of rheology in ice models through data assimilation, Glbe Panteleev
- A simultaneous optimizationof Actic sea ice model parameters by a genetic algorithm, Hiroshi Sumata
- Improving sea ice thickness estimates by assimilating CryoSat-2 and SMOS sea ice thickness data, Chares-Emmanuel Testut
- Assessing the contribution of ocean and sea ice initialization for seasonal predictionin the Arctic, Madlen Kimmritz
- Assimilation of sea ice freeboard observations into an ocean and ice analysis and forecast system, Emma Fiedler
Verification approaches for sea-ice analysis and forecasts
- Searching for inconsistencies: validating RIOPS modelled ice pressure using reported ship movements, Angela Cheng
- Accuarcy of ice/water data using categorical triple collocation, Andrea Scott
- Operationally relevant verification of sea ice guidance, Gene Petrescu
- Validation metrics for ice edge position forecasts, Arne Melsom
- An intercomparison of varification scores for evaluating the sea ice edge position in seasonal forecasts, Cyril Palerme
- The impact of sea ice thickness initialization on subseasonal predictions, Steffen Tietsche
- Leads and ridges in Arctic sea ice from RGPS daa and high resolution sea ice models, Nils Hutter
On the evelution of seasonal sea ice thickness distribution in the Laptev Sea: comparison between single-column model simulations and ULS observations.
Florent Birrien
<link file:21057 _blank download>Sea Ice Concentration from Passive Microwave Imaging Radiometers: from climate to NRT applications. Thomas Lavergne