Offshore Low-Trophic Aquaculture in Multi-use Scenario Realisation in North and Baltic Seas

Mak-Pak Scale-Up

Mak-Pak Scale-Up stands for "Industry-compatible process optimisation for the production of a sustainable packaging solution from macroalgae for the food trade" and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The aim is to optimise…
Miesmuscheln an Gründungsstrukturen in Windparks

Completed Projects

A selection of projects already completed by the Working Group...

Green Hygiene

Optimisation of polymer extraction from seaweed for hygiene products
Figure 1: Small steel panels (test bodies) are fixed on a “mother-steel-plate“ for the study of biofouling communities and their succession over the year. The plates are mounted at the pier of a harbour basin in the isle of Helgoland. Figure 2: Spar buoy equipped with steel framework and test bodies during a test of its floatability in the harbour basin. Figure 3: Moorings of two buoys with test bodies for the study of biofouling communities in the Nordergründe area (Außenweser, Southern North Sea)


Development of a growth monitoring system for marine invertebrates on test bodies


Innovative production systems for functional foods based on sustainable value chains for marine and freshwater raw materials
LCA of Seaweed

Life Cycle Assessment

Life Cycle Assessment of land-based seaweed cultivation for packaging material.