Certified Research Diver according to GUV-R 2112
The qualifications of "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver" are mandatory for all German scientists and students conducting scientific work underwater, including Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD theses. In accordance with the German "Health and Safety at Work Act" and the "German Rule for Safety at Work DGUV-R 2112 / Scientific Diving," the certification "Certified Research Diver / Geprüfter Forschungstaucher" can be obtained at one of the seven German "Certified Education Centers for Scientific Diving." For more information on scientific diving in Germany, visit www.forschungstauchen-deutschland.de; for information on scientific diving in Europe, see www.scientific-diving.eu.
The AWI is recognized as an "Education Centre for Scientific Diving" by the German Examination Board for Scientific Diving. We offer annual courses in scientific diving in English, designed to train international students and scientists to work safely and efficiently underwater within a scientific framework. Our courses are also open to engineers who need to conduct inspection dives as part of their professional duties.
2025 course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver"

We are happy to announce the 2025 European Scientific Diving Course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver" (Geprüfter Forschungstaucher).
The Alfred Wegener Institute Centre for Scientific Diving (CSD) in cooperation with the Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche, the training facility Teraqua and the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) offer the international, interdisciplinary course “European Scientific Diver” within the framework of the ESD regulations. The course will start in January 2025 with a biweekly online seminar. The practical part will be held in two blocks in April (France - Villefranche, 2 weeks) and July 2025 in Helgoland (3 weeks incl. examination by the German Examination Bord for Scientific Diving).
Deadline for application: 05.11.2024
Download the official course announcement and application instructions here.
For further information please contact philipp.fischer@awi.de
2024 course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver"

We are happy to announce the 2024 European Scientific Diving Course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver" (Geprüfter Forschungstaucher).
The Alfred Wegener Institute Centre for Scientific Diving (CSD) in cooperation with the Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche, the training facility Teraqua in cooperation with the Hemmenhofen Training Center for Inland Water Archaeology and the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) offer the international, interdisciplinary course “European Scientific Diver” within the framework of the ESD regulations. The course will start in January 2024 with a biweekly online seminar. The practical part will be held in two blocks in April (France - Villefranche, 2 weeks) and July 2024 in Helgoland (3 weeks incl. examination by the German Examination Bord for Scientific Diving).
Deadline for application: 30.09.2023
Download the official course announcement and application instructions here.
For further information please contact philipp.fischer@awi.de
2023 course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver"

We are happy to announce the 2023 European Scientific Diving Course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver" (Geprüfter Forschungstaucher).
The Alfred Wegener Institute Centre for Scientific Diving (CSD) in cooperation with the Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche, the training facility Teraqua in cooperation with the Hemmenhofen Training Center for Inland Water Archaeology and the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) offer the 6nd international, interdisciplinary course “European Scientific Diver” within the framework of the ESD regulations. The course will be held in two blocks in April (France - Villefranche, 2 weeks) and July 2023 in Helgoland (3 weeks incl. examination by the German Examination Bord for Scientiffi Diving).
Deadline for application: 19.12.2022
Download the official course announcement and application instructions here.
For further information please contact philipp.fischer@awi.de
2022 course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver"

We are happy to announce the 2022 European Scientific Diving Course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver" (Geprüfter Forschungstaucher).
The Alfred Wegener Institute in cooperation with the HTCIWA, Teraqua and the ZMT offer a decentralised course for the qualification "Eurpoean Scientific Diver". The course will be adapted to the current situation and is located at different institutes, the practical exam will take place 27./28.07.22 on Helgoland.
Deadline for application: 10.12.2021
Official course announcement and application instructions
For further information please contact philipp.fischer@awi.de
2021 course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver"

We are happy to announce the 2021 European Scientific Diving Course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver" (Geprüfter Forschungstaucher).
The Alfred Wegener Institute in cooperation with the HTCIWA, Teraqua and the ZMT offer a decentralised course for the qualification "Eurpoean Scientific Diver". The course will be adapted to the current situation and is located at different institutes, the practical exam will take place 22./23.09.21 at lake Constance.
Deadline for application: 31.03.2021
Official course announcement and application instructions
For further information please contact philipp.fischer@awi.de
2019 course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver"

We are happy to announce the 5th International European Scientific Diving Course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver" (Geprüfter Forschungstaucher).
The course will be held 2019 in two parts from 01.04.19 - 12.04.19 in Helgoland (Germany) and from 22.04.19 - 10.05.19 in Kristineberg (Sweden). Course language will be English (for German participants, the final examination can be done in German language).
The course fee is 1200 Euro. The course fee includes bench fees, boat use at Helgoland and the fees for the Swedish and the German examination. In Sweden a grant from the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences is providing the accommodation, food, bench fees, scientific diving facility use, boat use and diving equipment rental. Travel costs, accommodation and provision are not included in the course fee. However, applications for a possible cost transfer for students (accommodation, provision and/or travel) are submitted and may be granted to participants upon approval by possible Swedish and/or German governmental and institutional sponsors.
- Official course announcement and application instructions
- For further information please contact philipp.fischer@awi.de
2018 course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver"
In 2018, the Biological Station Helgoland (Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (Germany) and The Lovén Centre - Kristineberg (University of Gothenburg - Sweden) in cooperation with Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) and Alleco Finland offer the 4th international course “European Scientific Divertypo3/#_ftn1” within the framework of the ESD regulations published by the European Scientific Diving Panel (ESDP) of the EU-Marine Board.
The course will be held in two parts from July 3rd – July 17nd in Helgoland (Germany) and from October 15th – October 29 th in Kristineberg (Sweden). The examination period will be from October 30 th to Nov 2nd in Kristineberg.
To join the course, a competence test comprising a theoretical and practical examination on the level of CMAS** or PADI Rescue-diver must be passed. Respective tests will be offered in Sweden (Kristineberg), Finland (by Jouni Leinikki at Alleco), Germany (Bremerhaven/Bremen) or by contact at a research institute in your home country that will be approved by the course leaders. An accompanying E-learning seminar on scientific diving will be held starting in the June 2018. The course includes an intense training in professional diving skills for scientific purposes in theory and praxis and ends with a theoretical and practical examination by the “German Examination Board for Scientific Divers” (Deutsche Prüfungskommission für Forschungstaucher) and by Dykarskolan, Stockholm. Successful participants will be certified according to the respective national rules for scientific diving and as “European Scientific Diver” according to the ESDP framework.
- Official course announcement and application instructions.
- For further informations on the course please contact philipp.fischer@awi.de
2017 course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver"

The next AWI course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver" (geprüfter Forschungstaucher) will be held in 2017 in two parts from 24.04-12.05.2017 at Kristineberg (Sweden) (part 1) and from 03.07-21.07.2017 (part 2 incl. examination) in Helgoland (germany). Course language will be English (for German participants, the final examination can be done in German language). The course fee will be 990 € including the examination fee. Grants for travel and accommodation are available upon request.
- Official course announcement and application instructions.
- For further informations on the course please contact philipp.fischer@awi.de
2016 course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver"

The next AWI course "Certified Research Diver / European Scientific Diver" (geprüfter Forschungstaucher) will be held in 2016 in two parts from 11-23.04.2016 at Helgoland (part 1) and from 20.06-08.2016 (part 2 incl. examination) in Kristineberg (Schweden). Course language will be English (for German participants, the final examination can be done in German language). The course fee will be 990 € including the examination fee. Grants for travel and accommodation are available upon request.
- Official course announcement and application instructions.
- For further informations on the course please contact philipp.fischer@awi.de
2015: First international German-Swedish ESDP (European Scientific Diving Panel) course "European Scientific Diver".
In 2015, the Biological Station Helgoland (Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (Germany) and the Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences (University of Gothenburg - Sweden) offered the first international course “European Scientific Diver” within the framework of the European Scientific Diving Panel (ESDP) of the EU-Marine Board.
With 11 participants from 5 different nations (Sweden, Finland, Portugal, Bulgaria and Germany) the course was fully booked. The course was held in two units from 13 – 24.04.2015 (first unit at Helgoland) and 1-19.06.2015 (second unit incl. examination at Kristineberg) with an additional e-learning seminar on scientific diving theory in the intersession period. The course included an intense training in professional diving skills for scientific purposes in theory and praxis and ended with an examination during the last week by the respective national examination committees in theory and practice. All successful participants were certified according to the German rules for scientific diving (GUV-R 2112) and if applicable also according to the Swedish rules for scientific diving (S30). Furthermore, all successful participants were also certified as “European Scientific Diver” according to the ESDP framework.
2014 Course „Geprüfter Forschungstaucher / European Scientific Diver“ at Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research.
In summer 2014, the Biological Station Helgoland (Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research) offered the course “Geprüfter Forschungstaucher / European Scientific Diver” together with the Leibnitz Institute for Tropical Research in Bremen. The course was held in two units from 12.05 - 23.05.2014 (first unit) and 28.07 - 15.08.2014 (second unit incl. examination). The first unit was held at Helgoland Island while the second part was done in Crete. Additionally, an e-learning seminar on scientific diving was held in the intersession period.
Ausbildung zum "Geprüften Forschungstaucher / European Scientific Diver 2012"
Die Biologische Anstalt Helgoland am AWI führt im Zeitraum vom 07. - 25. Mai und im September/Oktober in zwei je 14-tägigen Blöcken den Ausbildungslehrgang zum "geprüften Forschungstaucher / European Scientific Diver (ESD)“ durch. Die genaue zeitliche Festlegung der jeweiligen Blöcke wird im Januar 2012 erfolgen. Der erste Block (Mai 2012) findet dabei auf Helgoland statt, der zweite Block (September) vorbehaltlich einer externen Zusatzfinanzierung auf unserer deutsch-französischen Polarstation AWIPEV auf Spitzbergen oder auf Helgoland.
Die Qualifikation des „geprüften Forschungstauchers“ ist in Deutschland vom Gesetzgeber vorgesehen, um z.B. im Rahmen eines wissenschaftlichen Projektes oder auch im Rahmen einer Diplom- oder Doktorarbeit an wissenschaftlichen Institutionen tauchen zu dürfen. Die Ausbildung zum „geprüften Forschungstaucher / ESD“ beinhaltet das Erlernen des professionellen Tauchens zu wissenschaftlichen Zwecken in Theorie und Praxis. Der Lehrgang schließt mit einer zweitägigen praktischen und theoretischen Prüfung durch die Prüfungskommission der Berufsgenossenschaft ab, bei Bestehen erfolgt die Zertifizierung zum „geprüften Forschungstaucher“ und zum „European Scientific Diver“. Diese internationale Qualifikation erleichtert es, vor allem im Rahmen von EU-Projekten, auch in international zusammengesetzten Tauchgruppen wissenschaftlich unter Wasser zu arbeiten.
Voraussetzungen für die Kursteilnahme
- Eingangsvoraussetzung für den Kurs sind eine Vorausbildung zum Forschungstaucher oder fundierte Tauchkenntnisse in Theorie und Praxis aus dem Bereich Sport- oder Berufstauchen. Als Voraussetzung bzw. ausreichende Kenntnisse für eine Kurszulassung am AWI werden z.B. angesehen:
- Vorausbildung in einem berufsgenossenschaftlich zugelassenen Ausbildungsbetrieb für Forschungstaucher (siehe www.forschungstauchen-deutschland.de).CMAS/VDST T2 (Silber) – Qualifikation oder Äquivalent (siehe CMAS Äquivalenzliste unter http://www.ausbildung.vdst.de/inhalt/download.htm).