Our doors are always open:
Winfried Hebold-Heitz
Leitung Familienbüro Bremerhaven
0471 4831-1354
Ines Föllscher
Familienbüro Bremerhaven
0471 4831-2410
The compatibility of work and family enjoys a high priority at AWI at all locations. As an international research centre, we are facing up to the family policy challenges of the 21st century. Our idea of mutual success is to keep in mind professional interests as well as the families’ needs at all times.
The AWI has operated a family office for many years, which sees itself as a service provider for your interests. We take your wishes very seriously and offer our support. This applies to Bremerhaven just as it does to Helgoland, List on Sylt and Potsdam. The basic rule for us is: there is no such thing as can't.
When people who are close to you are seriously ill or when your parents grow old, you sometimes need help. We will readily give advice and be your central contact partners in Bremerhaven. We offer you: expert advice in one-on-one meetings, regular in-house meetings of informal caregivers, seminars and talks and a very good network in Bremerhaven. We place particular emphasis on fast and adequate advice, unbureaucratic immediate aid, a high level of professional competence, help for all age groups and, of course, discretion.
Your care is cancelled? You need help now? Our flexible care is at your side with help and advice. Our service for you: short-term childcare, childcare at short notice, borrowable suitcase with toys, always available for you.
We also offer places in day care centres in Potsdam and Bremerhaven. Play, laughter and the individual development of all children are a matter close to our hearts here! There are 20 spots for children between the ages of 0 and 3. The opening hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For our employees’ children, we provide a multi-week in-house holiday programme aimed at children between the ages of about 6 and 12. This programme is available during the Easter, summer and fall vacations - a total of 7 weeks per year. Education is combined with fun and adventure. The programme is guaranteed to take place, and there is no application deadline! Here you can find information about other holiday programmes in Bremerhaven (in German).
160 children and young people from 14 Helmholtz centers met in List on Sylt at the AWI. They participated in a joint Helmholtz camp. The children and young people researched, played and had fun.
Here, the compatibility of work and family life has been given a face. While the children and young people were on Sylt, their parents could pursue their scientific work / their work in the administration at the various Helmholtz centers. Top science through a top holiday programme. You can find the film here (in German).