Guest Research and Education

Fingertang (Laminaria digitata) im Kelpwald vor Helgoland.

Individual Guest Research

We offer offer excellent working conditions and equipment for individual guest researchers...
[Translate to English:] Entwürfe für das Bluehouse Helgoland

Bluehouse Helgoland

Here, an interactive exhibition is being created from the history of the North Sea to the future of marine research

University Courses

We offer modern equipped course rooms for teaching purposes...
Experimente am Helmholtz Tag 2015

School laboratory OPENSEA

Expand school learning content through independent research...

Biota Shipping Service

We offer living and fixed biological material for teaching purposes
Im Feld

Erlebniszentrum Naturgewalten Sylt

The exhibition take you in the world of the forces of nature


Underwater work COSYNA

Center for Scientific Diving

We conuct, promote and support diver related underwater science
Mesokosmen-Anlage aus der Vogelperspektive

AWI Sylt Outdoor Mesocosms

We operate mesocosms facilites to simulate IPCC scenarios