Contact persons at AWI
This page about the contact persons at the AWI is currently under construction and will be completed.
Contact persons for the AGG
Under the provisions of the General Equal Treatment Act, employees may complain to the competent authority if, in the context of their employment relationship, they believe they have been unequally treated through the conduct of their employer, their superiors, other employees or third parties on the basis of race, ethnic origin, gender, religion or world view, disability, age or sexual identity.
For the purposes of the General Equal Treatment Act, applicants for an employment relationship are also deemed employees.
The Board of Appeal at the Alfred Wegener Institute is constituted by Katharina Kramer and Eva-Katrin Landscheid. Both colleagues can be reached at the following address:
Anti-Corruption Officer
The Anti-Corruption Officer of the AWI is a contact person with regard to actual or suspected corruption. He acts as an advisor and mediator between whistleblowers, the directorate and law enforcement agencies, to prevent and combat corruption. Since 01 January 2023, Heinrich Weingart holds the position of Anti-Corruption Officer at the AWI, appointed by the Directorate.
He can be reached as follows:
- E-mail:
- Phone: 0471 4831 1073
- Office: Building C, room 404, Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven
Data Protection Officer
The protection of personal data is an important topic which we at AWI take very seriously. Even before the introduction of uniform European regulations, the previously applicable Federal Data Protection Act and the Bremen Data Protection Act guaranteed data protection standards at a high level. Nevertheless, the Basic Regulation on Data Protection (DS-GMO EU 2016/679), which has been directly applicable in all Member States since 25 May 2018, has brought about many changes that could also be relevant for you as an employee in your daily work.
If you have any questions, suggestions or need advice, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at any time:
- E-mail:
- Phone: 0471 4831 1637
- Office: Building C, room 412, Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven
Export Control Officer
The task of the Export Control Officer is to check and organise the admissibility of export transactions in terms of customs and foreign trade law in day-to-day business. He implements comprehensive compliance with export controls at AWI.
If you have any questions, you can contact the officer directly:
- Guido Kunze
- E-mail:
- Phone: 0471 4831 1147
- Office: Building D, room 2780, Am Alten Hafen 26, 27568 Bremerhaven
Women's Representatives
In order to achieve equality between women and men, women in the public service in Bremen are promoted in accordance with the law on equality between women and men (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz). The Women's Representatives and Equal Opportunities Officers have the task of promoting the implementation of this law in the office.
The colleagues can be reached as follows:
• E-mail:
• Phone: 0471/4831-1795 (chairwoman Dr. Gerit Birnbaum)
• Office: Building G, room 1-13 (chairwoman Dr. Gerit Birnbaum)
Water Pollution Control Officer
According to the Water Resources Act (WHG), companies that are authorised to discharge more than 750m³ of wastewater per day must appoint a water protection officer. This person is responsible for compliance with the relevant regulations, conditions and requirements relating to water protection and advises on this within the company.
The water protection officer for the AWI is:
- Gisela Strelow
- Phone: 0471 4831 2195
- E-mail:
Ombudsperson for Good Scientific Practice
The DFG Code is currently being implemented in "AWI Law". As soon as this process is completed, this page will be revised.
Until then, please contact the following persons:
Prof Dr Maarten Boersma
Phone: 04725 819 - 3350
PD Dr Vera Schlindwein
Phone: 0471 48 31 1943
Staff Council
The Staff Council currently consists of 13 elected members from all AWI locations and 30 substitute members. 1st and 2nd chairmen are Dr Ingo Schewe and Uwe Bütecke. Several thematic working groups consisting of full and substitute members support the council's work. There is close cooperation with the equal opportunities officers, the Severely disabled representation and the trainee representatives.
Tasks | Working groups |
The AWI Staff Council exercises its right of co-determination in all personnel decisions, application procedures and recruitment, in service agreements to be concluded as well as in organisational restructuring at the AWI.
The Staff Council uses its right of initiative to achieve improvements in conditions for the staff.
Contact | Postal address |
Chairmen: Dr. Ingo Schewe, Uwe Bütecke Phone: 0471-4831-1770 | Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung - Staff Council - Am Handelshafen 12 27570 Bremerhaven |
Representative for Severely Disabled Employees (ombudsperson)
The Representative Body for Severely Disabled Employees (SBV) promotes the integration of severely disabled people at AWI. It represents the interests of severely disabled and equivalent employees on the basis of Section 178 of the German Social Security Code (SGB IX) and provides them with advice and support. It is an elected, voluntary body. The SBV ensures that the employer fulfils the duties assigned to it by law, in particular the duty of employment and the duty of care towards severely disabled employees. The SBV advises and supports applications for recognition of a severe disability and for equal status. It mediates and provides support with personnel or workplace-related issues and helps with the creation and implementation of preventative measures.
According to the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), persons who apply for a position at AWI are also considered employees.
The SBV team is at your disposal:
Ombudswoman: Anette Tillmann
E-mail: /
Phone: 0471 4831-2025, building E, room 1515
1. deputy: Antonie Haas
E-Mail: /
Tel: 0471 4831-1501
2. deputy: Ursula Liebert
E-Mail: /
Tel: 0471 4831-1386 (building E) und -1301 (building D)
Animal Welfare Officer
The office of the Animal Welfare Officer is part of the enforcement of the legal regulations on animal welfare at institutions where research is carried out on or with vertebrate animals. The Animal Welfare Officer examines whether planned projects make scientific sense and whether the animals concerned are treated as gently as possible in terms of animal welfare. This opinion is sent to the responsible approval authority, Bremen's Senator for Science and Ports.
At the AWI, the duties of the Animal Welfare Officer are performed by the following persons:
Dr Detlef Wegener
Phone: 0421 218 63007
Dr. Gisela Lannig
Phone: 0471 48 31 2015
Sylt and Helgoland:
Dr Mathias Wegner
Phone: 04651 956 4202
Prof Dr Philipp Fischer
Phone: 04725 819 33 44