VERTEXSO: VERTical EXchange in the Southern Ocean

The Southern Ocean is of major importance for the Earth’s climate system, serving as the gateway for the global ocean’s uptake of roughly 75% of excess heat and 25% of human-induced carbon emissions in the climate. In this capacity, it has significantly slowed the progression of global surface warming. The greatest part of this process has occurred through the renewal of the subsurface waters around Antarctica. However, the same unique physical phenomena that drive this renewal and make the Southern Ocean so important also make it a particular challenge for Earth System Models (ESMs), and they have historically failed to represent the region’s past climactic changes.

The failure of ESMs to reconstruct past climactic changes, like the 2023 sea ice minimum, leads to significant uncertainties in their future projections. The EU-funded VERTEXSO project seeks to close the gap between simulated and observed changes in the Southern Ocean and thus reduce future uncertainties in ESMs’ projections.

VERTEXSO is dedicated to vertical transport processes in both observations and model simulations, with a particular focus on convective plumes. Convection is a regime of fluid flow where surface waters are densified, for example by sea-to-air heat fluxes or sea ice freeze-up processes, before they sink downwards until they achieve neutral buoyancy. The small scales and uniquely swift vertical motion involved make convective plumes difficult to observe and impossible to represent directly in ESMs. The overarching hypothesis of VERTEXSO is that open-ocean convective plumes are important for the vertical exchange of climatically relevant tracers such as heat and carbon, and the inability of ESMs to represent them directly is responsible for large biases in the modelled structure of Southern Ocean water masses.

By means of five Work Packages (WPs), VERTEXSO will: develop a thorough understanding of open-ocean convective plumes in the Southern Ocean, including the associated temporal and spatial scales; improve how they are represented in ESMs; assess their impact on vertical heat and carbon exchange; and develop innovative methods to monitor them.

As part of the SO-CLIM joint research group, all group members benefit from affiliation with both the LMU Munich and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). Our individual projects are detailed below.


Duration01/2023 - 12/2027
Funded byEuropean Research Council (ERC)
(Grant Agreement no. 101041743)