S3MPC - Sentinel-3 Altimetry Mission Performance Cluster
Project Goals
In the Copernicus Ground Segment, the Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Cluster for Surface Topography Mission (S3MPC-STM) has the responsibility for
- ensuring that the radar altimeter (SRAL) and microwave radiomenter (MWR) sensors are performing nominally. Any anomalies are to be detected and the impact on data performance is to be analyzed
- ensuring that the Copernicus user level data are in line with their specification in terms of characteristics, performance, and accuracy
- improving Sentinel-3 data products to deliver state-of-the-art information to users.
These activities are performed for Sentinel-3 measurenemts over sea ice, land ice and inland water surfaces withon a consortium of European partners:
- Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS), France
- isardSAT, Spain
- Dannish Technical University (DTU), Denmark
- Space Geomatica, Greece
- Radio Analog Micro Electronics (RAME), Italy
- LEGOS (Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales), France
- Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Germany
- Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France
- Thalès Alenia Space (TAS), France
Role & Motivation of AWI
AWI role in S3MPC is to advice on the data performance and algorithm evolutions of Sentinel-3 sea ice products. Radar altimeter data from the Sentinel-3 constellation plays an important role of monitoring sea ice thickness in the Arctic and Antarctic. The Sentinel-3 program ensures a long-term availability of data with a complementary data coverage to CryoSat-2 reference information.