Who can dive at the AWI?
AWI employees
AWI - internal dive missions are at no charge if the working group provides the required certified research divers. If a dive team is required, 25€ will be charged per diver and 1/2 day mission. Deduction will be done at the end of the dive mission by internal invoicing based on a valid AWI "Kostenstelle" or "Kostenträger".
To apply for diver support for an AWI scientist project, please go to our "Online application form for scientific dive missions".
Guest Scientists
German guest scientists / students
German guest scientists are defined as researchers or students sent by another German research institute or university to conduct their own scientific work at the AWI with support by the AWI dive team. German guest scientists which plan to dive in their own projecs together with an AWI dive team must:
- Be certified as "Certified Research Divers"
- Apply for diver support for an AWI scientist project, please go to our "Online application form for scientific dive missions".
- Have a valid medical exam according to the German medical exmination guidleines for scientific divers G31.2.
- Hold a valid licence "First Aid" not older than 2 years.
- Show their diving skills in a check dive during the first days after arrival
Guest scientists must apply for a stay at AWI CSD at Helgoland at least 3 month before their sheduled arrival.
Foreign guest scientists / students
Non German guest scientists are defined as researchers or students sent by a Non-German research institute or university to conduct their own scientific work at the AWI with support by the AWI dive team. Foreign guest scientists which plan to dive in their own projecs together with an AWI dive tem must:
- Show proof of a qualified training for scientific diving. This can be (e.g.) a valid ESD (European Scientific Diving) or AESD (Advanced European Scientific Diving) certificate or an equivalent national licence.
- Have a valid medical exam equivalent to the German medical exmination guidleines for scientific divers G31.2.
- Hold a valid licence "First Aid" equivalent to the German "First Aid certificate" not older than 2 years.
- Show their diving skills in a check dive during the first days after arrival.
Foreign guest scientists must apply for a stay at AWI CSD at Helgoland at least 4 month before their sheduled arrival.
Guest students and trainees
Students from German or foreign universities can make internships at the AWI CSD to train their scientific skills in diving based scientific projects. Such students and trainees are integrated in the daily dive routine at Helgoland but also have the opportunity to conduct an own (small) research work if required.
Internship places at the AWI CSD are always in demand and should be applied for at least 6 month before the desired stay at Helgoland.
Broadcast teams
Broadcast teams are welcome at AWI CSD to report about our underwater scientific work around Helgoland island and elsewhere. Broadcast teams can either visit Helgoland as a complete diving group or ask for diver support by the AWI Center for Scientific Diving.
- Before submitting any documents, please contact the head of the AWI-CSD (philipp.fischer@awi.de) for a general agreement on the possibility and the possible time for a stay at the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland.
To support and/or integrate broadcast teams in our diving schedule, teams should provide the following documents at least 3 month prior to the visit.
- AWI dive mission application form for the planned visit -> "Online application form for scientific dive missions".
- Valid certificates as "geprüfter Forschungstaucher (certified research diver)" or "European Scientific Diver" for all group members according to BGR/GUV-R 2112.
- For complete teams, name of a competent and experienced dive team leader with the certificate "Tauchereinsatzleiter (dive mission leader)" or "Advanced European Scientific Diver".
- Valid medical exam according to G31 (professional diver medical exam) or a valid foreign professional medical exam - not older than 1 year for all dive team members.
- Valid document for "First Aid" training including CPR not older than 2 years. For complete dive teams without diver support by the AWI, the dive team leader has to provide an appropriate certificate not older than 1 year.
As soon as all documents have been submitted, the AWI Centre for Scientific Diving will finally decide (in close cooperation with the broadcast team leader), if and to which extend the broadcast team can/must be supported to allow an efficient, successful and safe stay at the AWI CSD on Helgoland Island.
Licence refresher
A specific course "licence refreshment" is done once per year (normally in spring) at AWI CSD. Please see the respective section in "Courses & Trainings" to get further informations on this course or contact the AWI CSD at scientific.diving@awi.de.
Please comment your stay at AWI - CSD
The AWI-CSD provides a variety of opportunity for researches from all over the world to stay and dive with us around Helgoland and elsewhere. We would like to know how you felt during your stay and if our service was ok. For this, we would like to ask you to take 2-3 minutes to fill out our "Quality assessment for short term stays at AWI-CSD"scientific.diving@awi.de