
Optimisation of CPC production and development of Arthrospira residual biomass into a feed supplement for aquaculture

In Germany, microalgae are mainly produced for use as food supplements or extracts for cosmetic or pharmaceutical applications. This usually involves the use of large quantities of artificial fertiliser and energy-intensive heating of the water. In order to make the production of microalgae more sustainable, side streams from agricultural production processes, e.g. from biogas plants, should be used in the future. As an agricultural location, Germany offers great untapped potential in this area.

However, the use of these side streams for microalgae is complicated. For example, the composition of the residue from biogas plants varies greatly depending on the season. In addition, the composition usually does not correspond to the optimal nutrient requirements of the microalgae. These and other challenges are to be investigated and solved in this project. The aim is to establish a value chain in which high-quality microalgae are produced with the help of residual biogas waste (liquid fermentation residue and heat). The microalgae Arthrospira platensis was selected as the species from which C phycocyanin (C-PC) is extracted. This is then to be used as a food, feed supplement and cosmetic raw material.

The AWI is implementing work package 3, which involves optimising C-PC production and developing the Arthrospira residual biomass into a feed supplement for aquaculture.

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