Emmy Noether Young Investigator Group SNOWflAke

Snow rules!

SNOWflAke (Learning from local snow properties for large-scale Antarctic ice pack volume) aims to investigate how the snow cover on Antarctic sea ice responds to changing atmospheric conditions, affecting the sea ice mass balance by inducing snow-albedo feedbacks that accelerate sea ice melt and retreat. 

Combining observations, model development and evaluation, this research will significantly improve our process understanding of Antarctic sea ice in the Southern Ocean climate system – from today’s perspective and for future warming climate scenarios.


Snow depth on sea ice is an essential climate variable, as it dominates the energy and momentum exchanges across the atmosphere-ice-ocean interfaces and actively contributes to the sea ice mass balance. The Antarctic sea ice is characterized by a year-round snow cover preventing surface melt in summer, and amplifying sea ice growth through extensive snow-to-ice conversion processes. The lack of knowledge on both snow depth and the complex seasonal stratigraphy causes substantial uncertainties in large-scale data products from satellite remote sensing. Also, the accurate representation of these small-scale processes within the snowpack in numerical models, in particular in climate models remains a major challenge. This leads to essential uncertainties in the Antarctic sea ice energy and mass budgets as outlined in the IPCC “Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate”.


Within the project, we will therefore test the hypothesis that seasonal variations of snowpack properties on Antarctic sea ice are sensitive indicators for changing atmospheric forcing as they could trigger snow-albedo feedbacks that accelerate sea ice melting and retreat. This hypothesis is important as snow has so far contributed to a positive Antarctic sea ice mass balance due to widespread snow-to-ice conversion processes. The present climate warming might reverse this evolution and lead to increased surface melting, as currently prevalent for Arctic sea ice feedbacks for the Earths’ climate.



Associate members


Links and cooperations

FlAke News

AWI Science Week 2024

November 2024 |  Bremerhaven | Nina Maaß, Daria Paul and Anton Birkedal presented the current status of their postdoc and doctoral projects at the AWI Science Week in Bremerhaven.

UN-Klimakonferenz | COP29

November 2024 | Baku, Azerbaijan | At the UN Climate Change Conference, Stefanie Arndt provided insights into the current development of sea ice - with a particular focus on the drastic changes in the Southern Ocean.



Xu, R., Zhao, C., Arndt, S., and Haas, C.: Dual-frequency radar observations of snowmelt processes on Antarctic perennial sea ice by CFOSCAT and ASCAT, The Cryosphere, 18, 5769-5788, 10.5194/tc-18-5769-2024, 2024.

Neudert, M., Arndt, S., Hendricks, S., Hoppmann, M., Schulze, M., and Haas, C.: Improved sub-ice platelet layer mapping with multi-frequency EM induction sounding, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 230, 105540, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappgeo.2024.105540, 2024.

Joshi, M., Mestas-Nuñez, A. M., Ackley, S. F., Arndt, S., Macdonald, G. J., and Haas, C.: Seasonal and Interannual Variations in Sea Ice Thickness in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica (2019–2022) Using ICESat-2, Remote Sensing, 16, 3909, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16203909, 2024.

Zhou, L., Stroeve, J., Nandan, V., Willatt, R., Xu, S., Zhu, W., Kacimi, S., Arndt, S., and Yang, Z.: Quantifying the influence of snow over sea ice morphology on L-band passive microwave satellite observations in the Southern Ocean, The Cryosphere, 18, 4399-4434, https://tc.copernicus.org/articles/18/4399/2024/, 2024. 

Wernecke, A., Notz, D., Kern, S., and Lavergne, T.: Estimating the uncertainty of sea-ice area and sea-ice extent from satellite retrievals, The Cryosphere, 18, 2473-2486, https://tc.copernicus.org/articles/18/2473/2024/, 2024.

Arndt, S., Maaß, N., Rossmann, L., and Nicolaus, M.: From snow accumulation to snow depth distributions by quantifying meteoric ice fractions in the Weddell Sea, The Cryosphere, 18, 2001–2015, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-18-2001-2024, 2024.

Mellat, M., Brunello, C. F., Werner, M., Bauch, D., Damm, E., Angelopoulos, M., Nomura, D., Welker, J. M., Schneebeli, M., Granskog, M. A., Hoerhold, M., Macfarlane, A. R., Arndt, S., and Meyer, H.: Isotopic signatures of snow, sea ice, and surface seawater in the central Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC expedition, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 12, https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2023.00078, 2024.


Most recent publication

Snow Buoy on Antarctic sea ice

Snow depth distribution in the Weddell Sea

Arndt, S. et al. (2024): From snow accumulation to snow depth distributions by quantifying meteoric ice fractions in the Weddell Sea