

The costs of an experiment with OBS depends mainly on the number of instruments used and the duration of deployment. They can be devided into consumables (anchor, small parts and batteries), insurance and services (mobilisation, demobilisation and transports). Additionally, one or two experienced technician are required on board for deployment and recovery. 

Important! Please note, the amounts given in the tables below are for orientation only. These are estimates (as at December 2024) without value-added tax (19%).

Batteriessee extra table
Anchor and small parts700 EUR / OBS
Mobilisation / Demobilisation1200 EUR / OBS
User fee295 EUR / OBS / month
Insurance1000-3000 EUR / OBS
Technical support onboard850 EUR / day / person + travel expenses
Transportsnot applicable



Depending on the number of batteries, the standard OBS can be used in two configurations, a small version with only one pressure tube (max. 84 cells) and without the outer floating units, and a large (normal) version including two pressure tubes (max. 168 cells) and the outer floating units.

Alkaline cells are suggested to be used for short-term experiments. Battery packages of 48 and 96 cells each supply a deployment duration of 28-118 days (sampling rate 500 Hz) depending on the data logger used.

Number of cellsCapacity MCSCapcity 6D6Price / unitConfiguration
4828 days59 days400 EURsmall
9655 days118 days800 EURsmall


Lithium cells are recommended to be used for long-term experiments. Each pressure tube has a capacity of 84 cells. Depending on the data logger used a maximum deployment duration of 432 days can be achieved (sampling rate 50 Hz). The expenses of the lithium cells stongly depend on the number ordered.

Number of cellsCapacity MCSCapacity 6D6Price / cellConfiguration
1 x 84185 days432 days15-20 EURsmall
2 x 84370 daysnot available15-20 EURlarge



An OBS long-term deployment needs several transports. Before deployment, the OBS and the auxiliary equipment will be sent in standard 20' containers. Each container can take hold of 12 OBS and the auxiliary equipment. After deployment, the auxiliary equipment and empty boxes have to be sent back, either in a container or as packaged goods. Before the second cruise to recover the OBS, the auxiliary equipment has to be shipped to the port, the OBS will be sent back in containers to AWI after the cruise.