Synoptic events during MOSAiC and their Forecast Reliability in the Troposphere-Stratosphere System
SynopSys exploits routine meteorological weather observations from the MOSAiC expedition, remote sensing data products, and meteorological forecast data to detect and characterize synoptic events in the Arctic and evaluate their influence on mid-latitudes. We implement a diagnostic framework that will advance our knowledge on dynamical processes in the coupled troposphere-stratosphere system. A particular focus lies in the evaluation of enhanced predictive capability through a synergistic and unique set of measurements in the Arctic and a better representation of physical processes in weather forecast models. As well documented, the Arctic region is undergoing rapid change in a warming climate. This has many implications for mid-latitude climate and consequently on the future social, economic, and political development in both regions. Improving weather forecast taking into account the coupling of the Artic and mid-latitudes is thus essential.
SynopSys is a collaborative project involving Alfred Wegener Institute, University of Bremen and Deutscher Wetterdienst. The collaboration enables a unique integration of specific expertise in Arctic research, data analysis, remote sensing and numerical weather prediction.
Alfred Wegener Institute
Principal Investigator: Dr. Ralf Jaiser
Post Doc: Dr. Cheng You
Associated researchers: Dr. Dörthe Handorf , Dr. Annette Rinke, Dr. Marion Maturilli
Unversity of Bremen
Institute for Environmental Physics, Department Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry
Principal Investigators: Dr. Mark Weber, Dr. Alexey Rozanov
PhD student: Falco Monsees
Department Research and Development
Principal Investigator: Alexander Cress
Post Doc: Zoi Paschalidi
SynopSys is structured in four work packages. Each of them serves as a main objective of the project.
Detection and evaluation of events in measurements and forecast data
Assessment of forecast skill
Dedicated experiments with the ICON weather forecast system, e.g. data denial experiments
Exploring data driven methods
Extended analysis of events in reanalysis products reaching beyond the Arctic and the year of the MOSAiC expedition
Improvement and validation of remote-sensing ozone products
Analysis of interaction between stratosphere and troposphere
Development of diagnostics based on potential vorticity
Process-based analysis of the interaction between troposphere and stratosphere in a synoptic context
High resolution process studies with the ICON model in limited area mode
Attribution of forecast errors to potential model improvements
Sensitivity experiments with improved parametrizations in the ICON model
Assessment of improved forecast capabilities and their impact
SynopSys members meet regularly to coordinate their progress and ideas. Here we list the past and future meetings of the whole consortium.
- Get to know each other
- Talks from each Partner
- SynopSys overview, first look at events and potential process studies (Ralf)
- Process understanding from high resolution regional modelling (Annette)
- Experiences of data assimilation and model performance in the Arctic during YOPP (Alexander)
- Potential of satellite ozone observations for studies of troposphere-stratosphere exchange on different spatial scales (Mark/Alexey)
- Data management and data exchange
- Upcoming milestones and reporting
- Potential joint publications
- Outreach activities
- Introduction of new colleagues
- Report on MOSAiC events based on ERA5 (Ralf; Rinke et al., 2021)
- Towards data assimilation experiments with ICON-NWP (Alexander)
- First steps to evaluate ozone data and potential vorticity (Mark/Alexey)
- Data management plan
- General discussion of further steps
- General information on project funding (BMBF)
- Report on forecast events based on operational ICON-NWP data (Ralf)
- Radiosonde data during MOSAiC (invited talk by Dr. Sandro Dahlke, AWI)
- Status of first experiments run at DWD (Alexander)
- Contrasting cyclone events during MOSAiC – Potential Vorticity perspective (Falco)
- General discussion of further steps
- Introduction and meeting logistics
- A case study of the mid-November 2019 cyclone north of Greenland during MOSAiC (Cheng)
- Quality assessment of Arctic satellite ozone data and the impact of synoptic events on ozone during MOSAiC campaign (Falco)
- Forecast errors during spring 2020 in the context of strong ozone depletion (Ralf)
- Assimilation of MOSAiC data into the operational ICON model and the evaluation of its influence in arctic forecast (Zoi)
- A new perspective on troposphere-stratosphere interaction (Ralf)
- Project administration and plan
Next Meeting is planned for July/August, when all positions will be filled.
- Overland, J. E., Ballinger, T. J., Cohen, J., Francis, J. A., Hanna, E., Jaiser, R., ... & Zhang, X. (2021). How do intermittency and simultaneous processes obfuscate the Arctic influence on midlatitude winter extreme weather events?. Environmental Research Letters, 16(4), doi:10.1088/1748-9326/abdb5d.
- Köhler, R., Handorf, D., Jaiser, R., Dethloff, K., Zängl, G., Majewski, D., & Rex, M. (2021). Improved Circulation in the Northern Hemisphere by Adjusting Gravity Wave Drag Parameterizations in Seasonal Experiments With ICON‐NWP. Earth and Space Science, 8(3), e2021EA001676, doi:10.1029/2021EA001676
- Feng, W., Dhomse S. S., Arosio, C., Weber, M., Burrows, J. P., Santee, M. L. and Chipperfield, M. P.: Arctic ozone depletion in 2019/20: Roles of chemistry, dynamics and the Montreal Protocol, Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2020GL091911, doi:10.1029/2020GL091911, 2021.
- Weber, M., Arosio, C., Feng, W., Dhomse, S., Chipperfield, M. P., Meier, A., Burrows, J. P., Eichmann, K.-U., Richter, A. and Rozanov, A.: The unusual stratospheric Arctic winter 2019/20: Chemical ozone loss from satellite observations and TOMCAT chemical transport model, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 126, e2020JD034386, doi:10.1029/2020JD034386, 2021.
- Rinke, A., Cassano, J. J., Cassano, E. N., Jaiser, R., & Handorf, D. (2021). Meteorological conditions during the MOSAiC expedition: Normal or anomalous?. Elem Sci Anth, 9(1), 00023, doi:10.1525/elementa.2021.00023
Shupe, MD, Rex, M, Blomquist, B, Persson, POG, Schmale, J, Uttal, T, Althausen, D, Angot, H, Archer, S, Bariteau, L, Beck, I, Bilberry, J, Bucci, S, Buck, C, Boyer, M, Brasseur, Z, Brooks, IM, Calmer, R, Cassano, J, Castro, V, Chu, D, Costa, D, Cox, CJ, Creamean, J, Crewell, S, Dahlke, S, Damm, E, de Boer, G, Deckelmann, H, Dethloff, K, Dütsch, M, Ebell, K, Ehrlich, A, Ellis, J, Engelmann, R, Fong, AA, Frey, MM, Gallagher, MR, Ganzeveld, L, Gradinger, R, Graeser, J, Greenamyer, V, Griesche, H, Griffiths, S, Hamilton, J, Heinemann, G, Helmig, D, Herber, A, Heuzé, C, Hofer, J, Houchens, T, Howard, D, Inoue, J, Jacobi, H-W, Jaiser, R, Jokinen, T, Jourdan, O, Jozef, G, King, W, Kirchgaessner, A, Klingebiel, M, Krassovski, M, Krumpen, T, Lampert, A, Landing, W, Laurila, T, Lawrence, D, Lonardi, M, Loose, B, Lüpkes, C, Maahn, M, Macke, A, Maslowski, W, Marsay, C, Maturilli, M, Mech, M, Morris, S, Moser, M, Nicolaus, M, Ortega, P, Osborn, J, Pätzold, F, Perovich, DK, Petäjä, T, Pilz, C, Pirazzini, R, Posman, K, Powers, H, Pratt, KA, Preußer, A, Quéléver, L, Radenz, M, Rabe, B, Rinke, A, Sachs, T, Schulz, A, Siebert, H, Silva, T, Solomon, A, Sommerfeld, A, Spreen, G, Stephens, M, Stohl, A, Svensson, G, Uin, J, Viegas, J, Voigt, C, von der Gathen, P, Wehner, B, Welker, JM, Wendisch, M, Werner, M, Xie, ZQ, Yue, F. (2022) Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Atmosphere. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 10(1), doi: 10.1525/elementa.2021.00060.
Weber, M., Arosio, C., Coldewey-Egbers, M., Fioletov, V., Frith, S. M., Wild, J. D., Tourpali, K., Burrows, J. P., and Loyola, D.: Global total ozone recovery trends derived from five merged ozone datasets (2021). Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. [preprint], doi:10.5194/acp-2021-1058, in review.
- Jaiser, R. et al. @ AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 14 December 2020, online: Project SynopSys: Exploiting Synoptic Events during MOSAiC to enable improved Forecast Reliability in the coupled Troposphere-Stratosphere System.
- Jaiser, R., Handorf, D., Semmler, T., Kreyling, D., Wohltmann, I., Akperov, M., Timazhev, A. and Mokhov, I. I. (2021), Linkages between Arctic and mid-Latitude weather and climate: unraveling the impact of changing sea ice and sea surface temperatures, Polar-amplification-MIP (PAMIP) Virtual workshop, online, 30 March 2021 - 1 April 2021.
- Jaiser, R., Akperov, M., Timazhev, A., Romanowsky, E., Handorf, D. and Mokhov, I. (2021), Linkages between Arctic and Mid-Latitude Weather and Climate: Unraveling the Impact of Changing Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperatures, EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 5-9 September 2021.
- Arosio, C., Rozanov, A., Weber, M., Gorshelev, V., Kramarova, N, Roth, C., Burrows, J. P., Error budget assessment for OMPS-LP limb ozone retrieval, Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, online, 3-8 October 2021.
- Weber M., et al. (2021),Global total ozone recovery trends derived from five merged ozone datasets, Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, online, 3-8 October 2021.
- Rinke, A., et al. (2021), Case study of a moisture intrusion over the Arctic: Resolution dependence of its representation in ICON, Polar CORDEX meeting, online, 12-14 October 2021.
- Jaiser, R. et al. (2022), SynopSys - Synoptic events during MOSAiC and their Forecast Reliability in the Troposphere-Stratosphere System, MOSAiC conference, Potsdam, Germany, 25-29 April 2022
- Jaiser, R. et al. (2022), SynopSys - Synoptic Events During MOSAiC and their Forecast Reliability in the Troposphere-Stratosphere System, YOPP final summit, Montreal, Canada, 29 August – 1 September 2022
- Paschalidi, Z. et al. (2022), Evaluation and Improvement of Arctic Forecast: Data Assimilation of MOSAiC Expedition Data for SynopSys Project EMS conference, EMS annual meeting 2022, Bonn, Germany, 4-9 September 2022
SynopSys is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as a grant to advance the scientific exploitation of the MOSAiC expedition under the umbrella of “Mare:N − Coastal, Marine and Polar Research for Sustainability Research” in the framework “Research for Sustainability” (FONA3). The funding period started in November 2020 and ends in October 2024.

Dr. Dörthe Handorf
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Telegrafenberg A45
14473 Potsdam, Germany
+49 331 58174-5205