Why does permafrost matter?

Currently we see glaciers melting and observe how sea ice is decreasing. But what happens to the underground of the Arctic in a warming climate, remains mostly unrecognized.

Creating awareness for the processes of permafrost thaw, is our motivation. We want to show what happens, when permafrost thaws - what it means to ecosystems and people living in the Arctic and why it is of importance to us in Central Europe.

Through different channels and communication pathways, we are making permafrost visible.


Changing Permafrost

Permafrost Change

What are the effects of a warmer climate on permafrost?

The sound of data

Art and Science, an enhancing connection.

Permafrost Resources

A compilation of articles with AWI participation on the topic of permafrost.

Frozen-Ground Cartoons

How does climate change feel for reindeer? And why is research in the Arctic better than any vacation on the beach?


Join us and start mapping permafrost!

Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX)

Using tailored visualizations and story maps as a means to more effectively communicate scientific observations of change, the tool is specifically addressing non-scientific user communities, stakeholders, and rights holders in the Arctic. …