16th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium
We are pleased to announce that the 16th ICRSS will take place at the
University of Alaska Fairbanks from 16-20 May 2022
in the Golden Heart City of Alaska.
The ICRSS is returning to Fairbanks for the first time in more than two decades. The International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium was first held in Yellowknife, Canada in 1990 and since then it has alternated between North American and Europe on a biennial basis. It grew from the often-expressed need for exchange of information among those in governments, universities, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector interested with remote sensing research and applications in the polar environments.
The symposium provides a platform for the exchange of current applied research and best practices, the presentation of new technology and further innovation, and the advancement of international cooperation in the circumpolar regions of the world. We look to build on the more than 100 participants and the record 50% attendance by students and early career researchers at the 15th ICRSS!
This symposium deals specifically with remote sensing applications in the polar environments, both Arctic and Antarctic. Earth’s Polar Regions feature cold-climate environments characterized by unique landscapes, biota, and processes. Many of these features and dynamics are Cryosphere-driven and either are already subject to or have the potential for fundamental and rapid changes in a warming world. Earth observation technologies provide crucial tools to understand and quantify these changes.
This symposium will be of interest to scientists, scholars, and industry and government professionals involved in studying and quantifying Arctic and Antarctic Change, renewable and non-renewable resource management, and development of new technologies and methods targeting remote sensing observations of polar environments. The symposium will provide a platform for the exchange of current applied research and best practices, the presentation of new technology and further innovation, and the advancement of international co-operation in the circumpolar regions of the world.
The theme of the 16th ICRSS is Convergence at the Poles – Addressing urgent research questions and management needs through remote sensing in the Arctic and Antarctic.
The 16th ICRSS is being hosted at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Oral presentations will take place in the Wood Center Ballroom and various conference activities will be scattered through the greater University and Fairbanks community.
Topics of interest include,
- Past, present and future changes in the Arctic and Antarctic
- Inventory and dynamics of glaciers and ice sheets
- Floating Ice: sea, river, and lake ice
- Seasonal snow cover
- Changing permafrost
- Polar coastlines
- Oceanography of polar seas
- Hydrology of inland waters
- Polar land cover and land use change
- LiDAR imaging
- Hyperspectral remote sensing
- All remote sensing platforms from satellite to terrestrial-based
- Data Integration and Data Mining
- Modeling using remote sensing-based parameterization
- Geographic Information System and Web-based portals
- Calibration and validation of geometric, radiometric and spectral properties
- Arctic vegetation
- Environmental monitoring
- Wildlife management and habitat protection
- Land and water management
- Archaeology
- Geology, mineral, and oil and gas exploration
- Microwave remote sensing applications
- Optical and thermal remote sensing applications
First Call for Papers: 09 Dec 2021
Second Call for Papers: 04 Feb 2022
Last Call for Papers: 18 Feb 2022
Abstracts Due Date: 08 April 2022
Abstract Acceptance Notification: 01 April 2022
Registration deadline: 01 May 2022 (early bird registration deadline: 15 April 2022)
(Registration form available on or before 07 Feb 2022)
Conference week: 16-20 May 2022
Venue for the Symposium: Wood Center Ballroom, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Please check this site for new information updates. E-mail questions to the organizing committee
Benjamin M. Jones, Chair
Institute of Northern Engineering
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Martha Raynolds, Chair
Institute of Arctic Biology
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Jessica Garron, Chair
Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Melissa Ward Jones, Organizing Committee
Institute of Northern Engineering
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Helena Bergstedt, Organizing Committee
Institute of Northern Engineering
University of Alaska Fairbanks
JJ Frost, Organizing Committee
ABR, Inc.
Simon Zwieback, Organizing Committee
Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Guido Grosse, International Chair
Alfred Wegener Institute
Sebastian Laboor, Web Master
Alfred Wegener Institute
There will be two types of contributions to the symposium available:
1 - Oral presentation
2 - Poster
Abstracts are required for both types of presentations.
All abstracts, presentations and posters will be given in English.
Abstracts should be sent electronically to the conference email address: icrss2022@gmail.com, using the provided template.
Abstracts should be sent no later than 21 March 2022. Authors will be notified of acceptance of their contributions no later than 01 April 2022. If earlier confirmation is required to meet travel approval requirements, please contact Benjamin Jones (bmjones3@alaska.edu) and provide, at a minimum, a draft of the abstract.
Recommended size of posters is 1 m tall by 2 m long. Posters should be on a single sheet of paper or multiple sheets to fit within this area. Text should be short and to the point with ample graphics to relay only the most important aspects of the work. Poster authors should be available to answer any questions viewers may have.
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations should be in Microsoft PowerPoint format and given to the session moderator on a USB external drive for loading onto the conference laptop. All presentations should be delivered to the session moderator not later than the break preceding the presentation. Presentations will be given in English. At the present time, authors should plan for a maximum of 15 minutes, with a few minutes allowed for questions. Please check the symposium web page for changes to the allotted time.
For registration to the Symposium please use the ICRSS registration pages. The registration pages provide all the information necessary for registration, such as rates and deadlines.
Please be aware that there are two registration pages for the ICRSS.
People who are not from the University Alaska Fairbanks please use the:
Non-UA member Registration link: https://bit.ly/3hQrAhH
People who are members of the University Alaska Fairbanks please use the:
UA member Registration link: https://bit.ly/3Kv6P7l
Please contact icrss2022@gmail.com with any additional comments or concerns.
Fairbanks is the hub of Interior Alaska. There are several lodging options in Fairbanks, including several hotels, B&Bs, campus housing, and plenty of small and eclectic housing options.
The official conference hotel of the 16th ICRSS is the Wedgewood Resort.
The Wedgewood Resort offers a special room rate for the Symposium. These rates will be available between May 14, 2022 - May 20, 2022. All reservations are based upon availability at time reservations are made and guaranteed.
It is an all-suite hotel that offers large one-bedroom suites. The one-bedroom suite includes a full kitchen, dining area, living room, balcony, bedroom with 2 double beds, walk-in closet, full bathroom, and cable T.V. The Wedgewood Resort also has laundry facilities, free wireless and parking available to the guests. Check in time is 4:00 p.m. and check out time is 11:00 a.m.
Reservations must be made by calling our Reservations Department directly at 907-456-3642 or 800-528-4916 and mentioning the group code ICRS522.
Reservations can also be made through our website only by following this link: https://reservations.travelclick.com/13562?userType=GRP and entering ICRS522 under "Group Attendee Code" in the drop down box.
Group Code: ICRS522
One Bedroom Suite Rates: Nightly Rate - $154.00 single/double occupancy
All rates are based on single or double occupancy, additional guests are $10.00 per person, per night. Rates are subject to the City Bed Tax of 8%.
*Rates are not available for reservations made online through a third-party site.*
*Cancellation policy: Reservations must be cancelled 24 hours prior to arrival to avoid any penalty*
Shuttle service will be provided between the Wedgewood Resort and the University for symposium activities.
Other popular lodging options in Fairbanks, located in close proximity to the University include
Local Transportation Options
Local Fairbanks Options
Sponsorship Opportunities for the 16th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium 14-18 September 2020, Fairbanks, Alaska
To keep registration fees reasonable and to maximize national and international collaboration, we are seeking financial support to defray some of the symposium costs. This sponsorship opportunity is available to anyone who wishes to support the 16th ICRSS.
Please consider sponsoring at one of the following levels:
Pricing and Benefits | Massive Ice | Ice Wedge | Aufeis | Needle Ice |
Recognition on website | X | X | X | X |
Recognition in proceedings by contribution level | X | X | X | X |
Sponsor Table | X | X |
Lunch Break Sponsor | X | X | X |
Coffee Break Sponsor | X | X | X | X |
Complimentary registration(s) | 4 | 2 | 1 |
Special sponsor name tag(s) | X | X | X | X |
Advertisement in symposium proceedings | 1 pages | 0.5 page |
Please contact us for information on how to best make your sponsorship contribution: bmjones3@alaska.edu
Names will be added as attendance is confirmed
The Wood Center Ballroom is accessible to participants with disabilities. There is handicapped parking outside Wood Center, with ramp access to the Ballroom meeting room. There are elevators in the Wood Center, giving access to the café and poster session on the lower level.
The University of Alaska takes its responsibility to provide harassment-free environments seriously. All staff and faculty are required to take annual Title IX training. The University has a Title IX officer, and coordinators on each campus. The University Board of Regents added a new chapter to the policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Discrimination, which passed unanimously in 2017 (https://alaska.edu/bor/policy/01-04.pdf).
The new policy provides clear guidance for students, employees and external entities alike for handling reports of sexual discrimination and harassment. It includes definitions, standards of conduct, reporting information and contacts, timelines, processes and a clear appeals process. The University must respond to reports of prohibited conduct with measures designed to stop the behavior, prevent its recurrence and remediate any hostile environment it caused.
The ICRSS will follow the procedures and guidelines of the University of Alaska Title IX policy, and will include that policy information on the ICRSS website, in the registration materials, and made available at the conference itself.
Physical distancing (ensuring at least six feet of distance between people)
We have reserved the Wood Center Ballroom including the back rooms. This is a large venue with flexible seating, that will allow us to space participants. We will encourage the participants to spend the coffee breaks outside.
We will provide hand sanitizer and face masks, so that attendees can sanitize their hands and refresh their masks frequently. We will sanitize speaker podiums and microphones between speakers. We will work with Wood Center staff to ensure all ventilation guidelines are adhered to.
Masks and other protective measures
We will require all participants to wear masks when they are not presenting. We will require that all attendees certify that they are fully vaccinated before attending the conference. International travelers will have been required to be fully vaccinated before entering the U.S.
We will encourage all participants to get tested prior to and during the event. We will inform the participants of the free Covid testing options in Fairbanks.
Gathering information for contact tracing
We will ask everyone to confirm each day that he/she has no Covid symptoms. We will request that anyone experiencing possible Covid symptoms get tested as soon as possible. We will have contact information for all attendees, and will inform anyone who has been in close contact with a person who tests positive for Covid.
See also the UAF covid resources page
You can also browse past ICRSS conferences and learn about the research topics, programmes and participants presented.