Function-Integrated Optimized Novel Additive Structures

Background and motivation
The combination of lightweight structures and additive manufacturing has been intensively researched for several years. Now that istotropic materials such as plastics and metals are already being used in small series, there is still a considerable need for research in the combination of fiber composites with 3D printing technologies. Additive manufacturing based on the FLM1 process with thermoplastic materials is becoming more and more accepted as a manufacturing process, also for aircraft components. However, its use is still primarily limited to low-stress, non-safety-critical components such as covers or brackets. The other possibilities of the technology cannot yet be exploited due to major gaps in terms of process maturity and design, and the availability of mature equipment suitable for industrial use is also limited. Closing this gap and thus opening up a significantly enlarged spectrum of components for additive manufacturing in the FLM and FCM processes is the core objective of the Project.

Objectives and approach
Additive manufacturing based on the FLM process with thermoplastic materials is to be further developed so that highly stressed, safety-critical components, such as load-bearing fuselage and wing components, can also be manufactured. An introduction to series production will be facilitated by research and development in the FIONA project by increasing faility maturity, process stability, engineering tools and design rules. The core objective of the project is to significantly expand the component spectrum for additive manufacturing in the FLM and FCM processes. The sub-project of the Alfred-Wegener-lnstitut Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) aims to develop lightweight solutions for components made of fiber-reinforced composites that are specifically designed for the manufacturing technologies used in this project in order to improve their potential with regard to the goal of "high-performance and efficient aviation". In this context, the ELISE software available at AWI is to be further developed so that fiber composites can be designed, calculated and optimized.