In our studies, we use different models of the Earth system as well as statistical methods to analyse instrumental and proxy data. Analysing paleoclimate records and model results in tandem allows for an improved understanding of climate transitions and the identification of forcing and feedback mechanisms in the climate system.
Paleoclimate simulations with complex Earth System Models
For our simulations we use mainly our inhouse developments AWI-ESM and AWI-CM. To include all major climate components such as land vegetation, the cryosphere, and the marine biosphere in our simulations we further equip existing model components with the capacity to simulate additional processes. Such extendedmodels provide a laboratory for the numerical simulation of various past climates as well as for future climate changes.
On the side of AWI-CM3 there are collaborations with the EC-EARTH community where we employ their atmosphere model with AWI's own ocean model FESOM2 and implement a new module for dynamic vegetation. As a new feature in comparison to other climate models employed in paleoclimate research, we consider dynamic land cryosphere towards improving the representation of ice sheets in the climate system, simulate stable water isotopes for improved understanding of the hydrological cycle, and create very high spatial resolution improve the representation of formerly parameterized processes.
Examples from our research:
Isotope Modelling
Water and carbon isotopes are widely used as climate proxies in paleoclimate research. They can be seen as a “common currency” among many different types of climate archives, e.g. ice cores, marine and lake sediments, speleothems, corals, tree rings, and others. The isotope variations stored in these archives allow reconstructing past changes of regional temperatures, precipitation amounts and the Earth’s water cycle, as well as the carbon cycle properties.
Some of our tools have been equipped with explicit isotope diagnostics, especially water isotopes. Such isotope-enabled general circulation models provide a mechanistic understanding of the physical and environmental processes influencing the isotopic composition of different branches of the climate system. Climate simulations with isotope-enabled models are therefore very useful for an improved interpretation of present and past climate variability.
Examples from our research:
Dynamic system theory and conceptual models
In addition to our work with complex climate models, we make use of statistical data analyses and develop simplified as well as conceptual modells.
This combined approach has been successfully applied at different scientific problems, e.g., relating to feedback mechanisms and the fundamental dynamic of our climate system. By means of data analysis, we decipher different climate modes. To do so, we make use of manyfold statistical tools and environmental data. In this context, we work closely together with different working groups inside and outside of our institute.
In addition we develop modells of the record system and apply them to investigate how the climate adaptions are reflected in the data of the climate archives.
Examples from our research: