
Dr. Christian Hamm
Head of Marine Bioeconomy, Head of Group Bio-inspired Lightweight and funct. Morphology
Email Christian
+49 471 4831 1832
Member of the team

Dr.-Ing. Simone Andresen
Project Engineer
+49 471 4831 2827
Email Simone
Topics: CAD & FEM, Vibrations
Project: Good Vibrations
Leonard Balz, B.Sc.
Project Engineer
+49 471 4831 231
Email Leonard
Topic: 3D-Printing
Projects: 3D-Lab, BEA

Dr. Corinna Dubischar
Marine Biologist
+49 471 4831 2819
Email Corinna
Topic: Microalgae
Project: BioBed

Marc Pillarz, M.Sc.
Project Engineer
+49 471 4831 1443
Email Marc
Topics: Verification and validation of lightweight structures

Aniket Angre, M.Sc.
Project Engineer
+49 471 4831 2821
Email Aniket
Topics: Comput. Design, Lightweight Design
Project: FIONA

Firas Breish, M.Sc.
Project Engineer, PhD student
+49 471 4831 2205
Email Firas
Topic: Bio-inspired Computational Design
Project: Form and Function

Dr. Lars Friedrichs
Marine Biologist
+49 471 4831 1028
Email Lars
Topics: Plankton Lab, Microscopy
Project: BioBed

Sonja Wiegmann, TA
Biological Technical Assistant
+49 471 4831 2185
Email Sonja
Topic: Plankton cultivation
Stephanie Bachir, M.Arch.
+49 471 4831 1595
Email Stephanie
Topics: Biomimicry, Comput. Design
Project: BEA
Dr. Ahmad Burhani Bin Ahmad Basri
Project Engineer
+49 471 4831 2125
Email Ahmad
Topic: Vibration modeling
Project: Good Vibrations

Nils Niebuhr, M.Eng.
Project Engineer
+49 471 4831 2818
Email Nils
Topics: CAD & FEM, Structural Optimization
Projects: FlexGear, FIONA
Students, Interns, Guest researchers

Leopold Bergk, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg, Master-Thesis
The real cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis L.) are characterised by their back bone, which is called the shoulderp. This consists of thin layers connected with upright walls, making the structure of the bone hollow, porous and light. The structure of the Schulp serves as a skeletal structure, but also as a gas tank, which allows static buoyancy to be generated in the hollow structure and allows the octopus to easily maintain its position in the water. In order to withstand the static pressure differences at great ocean depths, the structure is considered to be particularly resistant to loads and the design allows for high energy absorption.
Due to the excellent properties, the structure of the Schulp is used and investigated as a model for possible energy absorption applications within the context of the master's thesis. For this purpose, the structure is abstracted and numerically simulated by accident-like loads.

Timo Wottke, Dresden University of Technology, Project Work
Diatoms are exposed to variable forces from different directions due to attacks of natural predators. Through evolution, they have developed complex shell structures that are extremely robust to changes in load, but at the same time have the lowest possible weight. A similar problem exists in technical applications.
For example, components that have undergone topology optimization to save mass quickly fail when an unforeseen moderate load (e.g., due to improper use) occurs.
The content of my work is to investigate to what extent the robustness of lightweight structures can be increased by applying biologically inspired design principles.

Ranganayagi Venkatmohan, University of Duisburg-Essen, Master Thesis
The endeavor to adapt a design in such a manner that the ratio of useful weight to dead weight increases without having a detrimental influence on functioning is known as lightweight construction. Everywhere you look in nature, lattice-like cell structures offer strength and flexibility to much more lightweight materials. Consider honeycombs, bones or marine sponges as examples. Similarly, design engineers may use lattices to improve the performance of their models.
My Main goal during this Mater Thesis is to investigate if the irregular lattice structures exhibits better damping potential than the regular lattice structures. Therefore, regular and irregular lattice structures will be designed using ELISE software which offers systematic techniques and optimization approaches to produce high performance lightweight solutions. Using additive manufacturing, the optimized lattice structures will be developed into a prototype, which will be analysed experimentally on a shaker table in the following step. Finally, the natural frequency and the damping properties will be evaluated numerically and through FEM software Hyperworks (Optistruct) to ensure that the experimental and the simulation results are consistent to achieve the main goal of this thesis.

Landry Nennig, Ecole Nationale d‘Ingenieurs de Metz France, Master thesis
Looking closely at diatoms brings up a large range of ideas and perspectives to improve our existing products and structures. One can notice that the repartition of the matter is done in such a way that no place is given for extra weight. Besides having a terrific frustule design, the single cell algae are also well known for their outstanding mechanical properties.
Through the master thesis project, I will perform topology optimizations in order to give a transtibial prosthesis the best structure possible. Indeed, the amputees have high expectations from their engineered limb regarding weight and compliance. Then, the prosthesis appears to be a great case study to use our diatoms inspiration on. Moreover, the perspective of realizing a final product composed of intricated design is nowadays made possible by additive manufacturing processes.
All in all, transtibial prosthesis will be given a brand new and innovative bioinspired structure that shall be lighter and perform better than the ones on the current market.
Quentin Amsellem, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Masterthesis
On the one hand, we have composite materials or more precisely long carbon fibre reinforced polymers. With impressive mechanical performances in relation to their mass they are known to be used in the high technology industry: sport, aviation, aerospace, sport cars, design. On the other hand, we have the Nature and its wonderful structures optimised by years of natural selection. Trees, plants, animal skeletons, marine micro-organisms and so many others offer us an inexhaustible source of ideas.
What would be the results if we combined the two: bio-inspired structures + fibre-reinforced materials?
This is exactly the question I asked myself during my master thesis. Taking a tibial prosthesis as a case study, I try to understand the relationship between a complex bio-inspired geometry and the local definition of an anisotropic material and whether the combination of the two improves the overall performance of the prosthesis.

Adrien Simon, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Masterthesis
Nature provides us with infinite sources of inspiration and any living organism could be the subject of an in-depth study. The focus here is on identifying and understanding structural design principles used by nature to do good design.
Diatoms themselves are an extraordinary source of inspiration for structural enthusiasts and this project focuses on the diatom genus Rhizosolenia. This diatom’s silica shell—or frustule—is a slender tube made of uniquely shaped “modules” called copulae. This diatom effectively solves the problem of building a modular—yet stable—tube, and could thus help us in designing similar objects.
The purpose of this study is to understand the performance criteria that led to these unique copula shapes. Having successfully designed a simplified 3D model of a Rhizosolenia frustule using Grasshopper, finite element analyses and optimisations are now underway in an attempt to understand the functional morphology of these copulae
- Ignacio Laraudogoitia, University of Basque Country, PhD student
- Marieke van Maanen, Utrecht University, Internship
- Oleksandr Savysko, Otto von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Master thesis
- Selina Linnemann, Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Project work
- Patrick Hansel, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Laura Lottes, University of Bremen, Master thesis
- Selina Linnemann, Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Internship
- Joana Lucie Schulte, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Justin Chaillot, Ilmenau University of Technology , Master thesis
- Theresa Eggler, Internship
- David Seseke, Brandenburg University of Technology, Master thesis
- Lea Syring, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Master thesis
- Simone Andresen, University of Bremen, Master thesis
- Julius Krause, Internship
- Leonard Balz, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Peter Strauß, Aalen University of Applied Science, Master thesis
- Jasper Schliekmann, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Lars Nagel, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Christian Volkmann, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Master thesis
- Robert Naguschewski, University of Bremen, Master thesis
- Simone Andresen, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- David Leidenfrost, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Master thesis
- Jule Anne Frey, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Christian, Kehm, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Jan Liskien, KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Master thesis
- Dr. Moritz Maier, University of Bremen, Dissertation
- Dr. Lars Friedrichs, University of Bremen, Dissertation
- Etienne Jérôme Babnik, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- David Seseke, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Paul Juan Antonio Sommer, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Malte Wiedmann, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Master thesis
- Anna-Luise Metze, DTU - Denmarks Technical University, Bachelor thesis
- Isabell Ciomber, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Tim Dunker, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Jannes Jakob Hangen, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Patrick Haufe, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Master thesis
- Simon Szameitat, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Bachelor thesis
- Maike Wullenweber, University of Hamburg, Bachelor thesis
- Robert Naguschewski, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Daniel Siegel, Steinbeis University, Master thesis
- Patrick Haufe, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Saskia Heinzel, University of Applied Sciences Potsdame, Diploma
- Christoph Schmitz, RFH – University of Applied Science Cologne, Bachelor thesis
- Daniel Siegel, Steinbeis Center of Management and Technology, Project work
- Frauke Broer, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Sirag Al-Chaer, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Diploma
- Anna Bertram, University of Bremen, Bachelor thesis
- Mario Hörnig, University of Bremen, Diploma
- Daniel Siegel, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Nils Niebuhr, Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design, Master thesis
- Leona Schulze, University of Bremen, Bachelor thesis
- Merlin, Schäfer, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor thesis
- Cuma Kara, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Diploma
- Roman Mielke, Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design, Bachelor thesis
- Jessica von einem, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Diploma
- Ulf Lüdemann, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Diploma