Wadden Sea Station Sylt

The AWI`s Wadden Sea Station in List on the island of Sylt is the northernmost research center in Germany. Located within walking distance of the Wadden Sea, it offers the ideal point of departure for research at sea, in the intertidal zone, or in the station`s own laboratories.

45 persons work at the AWI`s facilities on Sylt: Scientists of the department Coastal Ecology and service staff members. In addition, visiting researchers from Germany and abroad engaged in fieldwork and laboratory tests stay at the station.

The station`s conference rooms are regularly used for scientific workshops and seminars. In addition, each year roughly 400 students visit the AWI on Sylt, taking part in one-week courses to deepen their understanding of the Wadden Sea ecosystem. The station is also home to the NF-POGO Centre of Excellence.

Emerged from a small field station for Oyster Research founded in 1924 the Wadden Sea Station Sylt can look back on a long history and proud research tradition as part of the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. Just like the AWI`s Helgoland site, on Sylt ecological time series are recorded, and the resultant data are made available to government offices, professional associations, and research institutes.

AWI SYLT, Labor, Microalgenforschung,
weitere Infos:


Coastal Ecology


The North Sea in Miniature

Rosenthal Reading Room

Collection of offprints and specialist literature 


From the Beginning to the Present
AWI SYLT, Mia II, verschiedene Wasserproben und Algenproben werden genommen,
an Bord: Tatyana Romanov, Merthe Claußen, Frederik Bulk( FÖJ) und die Besatzung


A vessel best suited for Coastal Research

Guest Research & Student Courses

Contact persons


Room facilities

Conference Rooms

Contact person

AWI North Sea Office

Communicators of scientific contents
AWI SYLT, Mia II, verschiedene Wasserproben und Algenproben werden genommen,
an Bord: Tatyana Romanov, Merthe Claußen, Frederik Bulk( FÖJ) und die Besatzung


Public lectures
Open Day

List Oyster Trail

Oyster fishing and oyster research in the North Frisian Wadden Sea

Erlebniszentrum Naturgewalten Sylt

Exhibition area Climate Research