
The AWI Library is a special non-circulating library servicing basically the needs of the research scientists

The main library is located in Bremerhaven with branches on Helgoland and Sylt*

The library of the former Biologische Anstalt Helgoland is included in the collection

The library is open 24/7 (AWI staff only)

The AWI Library houses the Archiv für deutsche Polarforschung (AdP)

*The library of the AWI Research Unit Potsdam is part of the Bibliothek des Wissenschaftsparks Albert Einstein

Head Librarian:
Anne Talk


AWI Library OPAC

All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records Telegrafenberg (Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein Potsdam)

Regional OPAC
Cities of Bremen and Bremerhaven

Catalogue of the German Association of Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (GAMSLIC)

e-Journals Library

GBV Union Catalogue

Opening Hours (for external users)

Mo-Th9:00 - 15:00
Fr9:00 - 13:00
Sa, Soclosed


> 46,000 monographs
> 1,600 m shelved volumes of journals
> 300 journal subscriptions, mostly e-only

Address and Contact

Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven

+49(0)471 4831-1276

+49(0)471 4831-1919


Information for external users

  • The library primarily provides its services to its institutional users.
  • During our opening times, and by arrangement, researchers and other visitors can also use the library. However, no external loans of books are possible.
  • Please register with the library staff before your visit.
  • For your first visit, fill in the registration form and familiarize yourself with the library regulations.







We are happy to accept additions to our stock in the form of gifts. However, as space and capacity are limited, we have to make a careful selection. The best way to help us is to send us as much information as possible about the quantity and the media contained in advance, especially in the case of larger collections such as bequests. Please always contact us by email before delivering books. Information about the titles already in the library can also be found in the catalogues listed above.