Summer Semester:
Lecture title: Climate System I
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Torsten Kanzow
Programme: Enviromental Physics (M. Sc. Programme)
Duration: 2 hours per week lecture + 1 hour tutorial
Lecture title: Polar Oceanography
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Torsten Kanzow
Duration: 1.5 hours per week lecture + 0.5 hours tutorial
Programme / Studiengang: Enviromental Physics (M. Sc. Programme)
Lecture title: Remote Sensing I
Lecturet: Prof. Dr. Astrid Bracher
Duration: summer semester, 2 hours per week lecture + 1 hour tutorial
Programme: Enviromental Physics (M. Sc. Programme)
Lecture title: Ocean Optics and Ocean Color Remote Sensing
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Astrid Bracher
Duration: winter semester, 2 hours per week lecture
Programme: Enviromental Physics (M. Sc. Programme)
Lecture titel: Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Cryosphere
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Astrid Bracher
Programme: Space Sciences and Technologies
Lecture title: Elements of Physical Oceanography
Lecturer: Benjamin Rabe
Duration: 1 hour per week (equiv.-course en block 1 week during summer semester)
Programme: ISATEC (International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology) (international Master)
Lecture title: Practical Physical Oceanography
Lecturer: Dr. Wilken-Jon von Appen
Duration: 5 days at sea on RV Heincke
Programme: Postgraduate Programme Environmental Physics (MSc)