Triaxus Towed System "topAWI"

The topAWI Triaxus (towed ocean profiler of the AWI) is a towed system manufactured by MacArtney A/S that serves as a device carrier for various sensors measuring parameters relevant to physical, chemical, and biological oceanography. It performs a saw-tooth flight pattern between a few meters below the surface and up to 350m depth at a vertical speed of 1m/s and it can be towed between 2 and 8 knots (1-4m/s) speed through water.

Depending on the exact parameters chosen, this results in a horizontal resolution of 3km or much better, suitable for the synoptic study of mesoscale and submesocale features. Alternatively, it can stay at a constant water depth or a constant distance from the surface (e.g. underside of sea ice) or bottom. AWI has developed a “depressor” that allows operation in medium-severity sea ice conditions. It can also be deflected horizontally to fly outside of the ship's wake. The Triaxus acts as a pass-through for the sensors such that each sensor is controlled by a separate laptop on the ship.

The following list shows the sensors currently integrated in the topAWI, but the integration of additional sensors is possible/ongoing:

  • Seabird "SBE9Plus" CTD with dual temperature, conductivity, and oxygen sensors as well as chlorophyll fluorescence, transmissivity, PAR, and pH
  • Seabird "Deep SUNA" nitrate sensor
  • 2 Teledyne 1200kHz "Workhorse II" ADCPs (upward- and downward-looking)
  • WETLabs "AC-S" Spectrophotometer
  • TriOS "RAMSES SAM" Hyperspectrometer
  • Simrad "EK80" scientific echo sounder
  • Particle camera

At the beginning of 2020, AWI has developed a so-called "depressor," enabling operations in regions with light to moderate sea ice cover. It was used for the first time during the Polarstern PS131 expedition and allowed the collection of valuable data in the marginal ice zone north of Svalbard.

Further below, you can find additional information about the system. The intranet page (accessible only to AWI employees) can be found here.