The integration of fish, freshwater crayfish, cropping plants and microalgae in an aquaponic-system under consideration of ecological requirements and optimal feed and nutrient utilization.
Object of the project „AquaMoNa“ is the development of an aquaponic-system that combines the production of four high value species. Its aim is to achieve an improved utilization of provided resources (nutrients, feed, water) and an increased production- and cost-efficiency by adjusting the interaction of the four candidates and optimizing the use of process water flow.
Moreover, the sustainable quality of conventional recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) is to be enhanced to meet specific demands of the gastronomy-sector, farmer’s and organic stores and to establish a local marketing of the high-value products. The innovation of this project is to meet species specific demands for husbandry conditions and system design to ensure a sustainable and stressless culture and production.
Project Lead: Hilke Alberts-Hubatsch | Joachim Henjes
Duration: 2 Years;
Partners: Bell vital Gesellschaft für Teichausstattung mbH | algatec
Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Affair and Energy (BMWi) and the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM)