The pressure chamber of the Deep-Sea Research Group was developed to test oxygen sensors for in situ experiments. The maximum attainable pressure of the chamber is 600 bar (8700 psi), which is the equivalent of 6000 m water depth. An additional cooling device allows to maintain a constant temperature between 2 and 25°C in the chamber.
The usable volume is 13.9 L, with a clear diameter of Ø 170 mm and a lenght over all of 580 mm. The bottom of the chamber is hemispherical and on its upper end several connectors and a 120 mm long temperature sensor protudes into the experiment space (CAD drawing). There are five lead throughs in the cover with Ø 6 mm and 7/16"-20 UNF threads for commercially available deep sea connectors. At the moment there are two SubConn BH4F and one MCBH5F connectors implemented.
The facility is also in use by other research groups to test measurement devices prior to their deployment. Furthermore the pressure chamber is in use for biological experiments, e.g. for microbiological incubation experiments.
- Specifications
Max. allowed pressure 650 bar (9430 psi) at 0°C to 25°C
Clear space: 13.9 L, Ø 170 mm, 580 mm length, bottom hemispherical
5 leads through with Ø 6 mm and 7/16"-20 UNF threads for e.g. SubConn connectors
Manufacturer Fa. Hebold, Cuxhaven, year of manufacture 1996, Serial-No. 48960600 bar
High pressure pump AZ-2-180, AZ Hydraulic Engineering Inc., Arizona
- Drawings
Technical drawing of the pressure tank: AWI_00-001.pdf (0,3 MB)
eDrawing AWI_Druckkammer_01.EASM (0,3 MB)
CAD files SolidWorks (2,6 MB), main assembly "AWI_Druckkammer_01.SLDASM"
CAD files (.step, .iges, .sat, .x_t) (1,8 MB)
Contact: S. Lehmenhecker, J. Hagemann