Often we glaciologists here at Alfred-Wegener-Institut are asked where “Glaciology” can be studied at universities. In Germany, unfortunately, there is no MSc Glaciology. However, glaciology can be chosen as a key subject within MSc Geosciences university studies .


The section Glaciology offers internships in geosciences, physics, chemistry and related areas. You are welcome to directly send an application via email to the people listed below, according to the specific interest.

The application should contain a CV, a cover letter, relevant certificates, a list of courses attended during the studies and if available mention computer skills (programming languages and operating systems, like Windows and Unix) . Please also state the envisaged starting point and time span for the internship.

If you are interested to do your Master- or Bachelorthesis in Glaciology you are also welcome to contact us or see Positions at AWI

Geophysics: Daniel Steinhage, Coen Hofstede
Satellite and Airborne Remote Sensing, Mass Balance Studies, GPS: Veit Helm
Ice Dynamics Thomas Kleiner
Physical Properties of Firn and Ice, Microstructure: Ilka Weikusat, Sepp Kipfstuhl
Microstructure X-ray Tomography: Johannes Freitag
Raman Spectroscopy:  

For general enquiries contact Constance Oberdieck.