Nitrate-controlled Denitrification
The Nikode project aims to develop an innovative and novel fully automated monitoring and control system for denitrification in recirculating aquaculture systems.
All the parameters necessary to determine and control the denitrification process will be measured and processed, allowing continuous operation of the denitrification without the need for manual adjustment.
At the end of the project the NikoDe-Control-System will, for the first time, allow the parameter nitrate to be directly controlled and maintained at defined concentrations in recirculating aquaculture systems – RAS.
This new sytsem will help to save money and time. Currently applied technology to run such systems requires time-consuming tuning of elements and manual monitoring. This better protects the system and the fish within it.
SubCtech GmbH from Kiel is responsible for control system construction and measurements systems. The system will be tested under a variety of realistic conditions in the AWI Centre for Aquaculture Research in Bremerhaven. The ttz Bremerhaven will follow the system development and compare results with current chemical processes, as well as developing algorithms for interpreting water-chemistry values.
Internship at "NikoDe" (German)
Project Leader: Mirko Bögner
Partners: ttz – Technology Transfer Centre Bremerhaven | SubCTech GmbH Kiel
Funding: Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM)