Information for participants of AWI expeditions
From the idea to the expedition
The AWI operates different research platforms and organizes scientific expeditions. In doing so it is subject to national and international laws, customs and freight regulations as well as international agreements. Our department of logistics and research platforms provides support to all participants planning an expedition.
Please observe the Covid-19 hygiene concept and protective measures that apply to all AWI expeditions and their participants as well as the current Corona regulations, which can be viewed on the intranet under "Business travel / To foreign countries" (AWI employees only)
Please fill out all documents carefully, completely and legibly to avoid time-consuming queries, misunderstandings and delays in the preparation of the expedition.
It is imperative that you submit all necessary forms to AWI Logistics on time. Missing documents or documents submitted too late will, in the worst case, result in your equipment or yourself not participating in the expedition.
If you have any questions, please speak to your expedition leader or the relevant contact person in AWI Logistics.
Some appropriately marked forms must be submitted to AWI Logistics as signed originals. Scanned e-mail versions will not be accepted. For details, please refer to the information provided below.
Information on data protection.
Please observe the binding rules.
General forms valid for most expeditions
- To be filled in for every single expedition.
- AWI employees have to attach a copy of their "Dienstreiseantrag"
- The questionnaire must be send as a signed original by mail to AWI-Logistics.
- The questionnaire must be signed by your employer. At the AWI that is your superior/leader of the scientific section.
- Not necessary for expeditions with Polarstern, Heincke, Uthörn, Mya II, Aade and Antarctic land campaigns.
Not necessary for expeditions with Uthörn, Mya II or Aade.
RV Polarstern, RV Heincke, Neumayer III, and Kohnen expeditions: Participants will get all information and the questionnaire within the "Expedition Interface System" - EIS.
- a medical examination according to medical questionnaire (MQ), well before the expedition, is mandatory for all participants.
- the AWI medical service (WAZ) decides - if necessary in consultation with the AWI medical officer - whether a participant is suitable to take part in an expedition.
- the checkup is valid for 12 months and has to be repeated thereafter, if necessary. Irrespective of this, the anamnesis sheet (pages 4-10) must be completed before each expedition and presented to the WAZ.
- the participant is responsible for finishing the checkup - including all additional examinations in accordance with the WAZ - in due time before expedition, which means: not earlier than 6 months and not later than 4 weeks before start of each expedition.
- a participant must not take part in an expedition without the approval of the WAZ.
German participants
- the WAZ is the relevant authority for AWI employees
- all other participants are asked to visit the WAZ if possible. Otherwise they can turn to their GP (with MQ) and have to bear the costs themselves.
- please send the MQ and the findings of your GP to the WAZ only (via mail or fax).
Foreign participants
- all foreign participants are recommended to visit the WAZ if possible. Otherwise they can turn to their GP (with MQ) and have to bear the costs themselves.
- Please send the MQ and the findings of your GP to the WAZ only (via mail or fax).
Address of the AWI medical service (WAZ):
Werksarztzentrum Fischereihafen
Am Lunedeich 115
D-27572 Bremerhaven
Tel.: 0471 - 986 931-00
Fax: 0471 - 986 931-01
Download medical questionnaire (MQ)
Bus connection by No. 514 or HL (map)
For employees from German institutions only, see german site.
RV Polarstern, RV Heincke, Neumayer III, and Kohnen expeditions: Participants will get all information and the clothing list within the "Expedition Interface System" - EIS.
All other expeditions:
How you get your polar clothing:
You can find the clothing list for each region to travel in section 2 (specific forms and information). Please download the list, open it on you computer and fill in the information (PDF with fillable fields, fill-in function only after download). Send it as PDF scan (external user) or as hard copy (AWI employers) to you PI, who will send the lists of all participants of the project to the logistics secretariat, c/o Elena Tschertkowa-Paulenz.
Your list will be approved, signed and forwarded to the clothing store.
After that, please arrange an appointment for fitting and pick up with our EWW colleagues at the clothing store (contact details below)
In addition to the equipment lists, we have compiled all items of clothing and equipment in a catalogue with pictures and descriptions. The catalogue only serves for view to show what is hidden behind the names on the equipment list.
There are also size charts for each item of clothing.
For special requirements, that are not on the clothing list, please contact logistics department or clothing store.
Contact persons in the department logistics and research platforms of AWI:
Dirk Mengedoht , Elena Tschtkowa-Paulenz
Contact persons at the clothing store:
Maik Johanns
Robert Reich
Dienstleistungsgruppe AWI
Elbe-Weser Welten
Heinrich-Brauns-Straße 8
27578 Bremerhaven
Tel.: +49-471-926898-323
Fax: +49-471-926898-332
How to find the clothing store?
Bremerhavenbus: 501 (express bus), 502, 503 und 508
Stop: "Hans-Böckler-Str./Bad 1"
Opening hours:
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8:00–16:00
- Wednesday: 8:00–15:30
- Friday: 8:00–13:00
- Lunch break: daily 12:00–12:30
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles or systems during AWI expeditions and at AWI infrastructures requires consent by the AWI department Operations and Infrastructures. Please contact for information and the forms to be completed.
Please note:
If the risk of using an unmanned aerial vehicle at AWI infrastructures or on AWI expeditions is assessed as low and its use is approved by AWI, this does not constitute a license/permit in the aviation or environmental sense. AWI is not a permitting authority that can issue a legally required authorization. This is subject to the applicable regulations for the respective area of operation. You have to contact separately the responsible authority(ies) for the permit. All national specifics and permit conditions for the operation of the UAS must be observed.
In the case of the Arctic Polar Regions, the permit application has to be submitted to the state(s) responsible for the sovereign territory(ies) in which the operation will take place.
In the case of an operation in the Antarctic Treaty Area (south of 60°S) the approval of the competent authority of a State Party to the Antarctic Treaty Environmental Protocol is required in addition to the consent of the AWI.
If the use of the unmanned aerial system is to be carried out in the Antarctic and is organized in Germany or emanates from German territory, it is subject to the permit requirement of the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA). For information on the application process, see:
It is advisable to submit the enquiry to the AWI and the application to the German Environment Agency (UBA) in parallel. It is not necessary to wait with your UBA application until AWI has processed your enquiry.
If minors are participating, the liability release declaration signed by the parents must be handed in to the expedition leader.
The Code of Conduct with annexes regulates the behaviour of the expedition participants among each other. The signed document must be handed in to the expedition leader before the start of the expedition.

Martina Kniemeyer-Schulze (EIS + vessels)
Elena Tschertkowa-Paulenz (Land expeditions)
Silke Henkel (Airborne campaigns)
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar-
und Meeresforschung
Logistik & Forschungsplattformen
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Specific forms and information
All participants in expeditions to Neumayer Station III, Kohnen Station or other field expeditions on the Antarctic continent receive an invitation to the Expedition Interface Systems (EIS).
Further information on Neumayer Station III and the current season:
For further information please visit:
(PDF with fillable fields, fill-in function only after download)
For further information please contact
(PDFs with fillable fields, fill-in function only after download)
For the participation in a measuring flight campaign the "general forms" are needed. In addition, a "sea survival" is compulsory when taking part in measuring flights oer water.
For measuring flight campaigns in Antarctica, you must have participated in an "environmental seminar for Antarctica", moreover it is recommended to take part in a course for adequate behaviour in the mountains ("Bergkurs")
Outside of Antarctica, the PI needs to obtain all necessary national permits.

Expedition participants:
- Polarstern-Wiki
- EIS - Expedition Interface System
- EIS - General info and wiki
- Deadlines
- 360 degr. tour
- Map of Polarstern
- General arrangement plan
- Clothing list Polarstern is available for participants in EIS (see above)

Information and documents are only available in German:
These documents from the general part at the top of this page are necessary:
- application for the use of drones
- medical questionnaire & exam for cruises to polar regions or duration >14 days
- code of conduct
- release of liability

Both vessels are allocated acc. to local requirements.
Please contact the station coordinator on the respective island.
These documents from the General Section (-->1), at the top of this page, must be observed:
- Registration for Drone Operations
- Code of Conduct
- Release of liability for minors
- Clothing list for participation in external ship expeditions

Marius Hirsekorn, Angela Kornahrens
Stations, Shore expeditions:
Christine Wesche
Dirk Mengedoht,Verena Mohaupt
Clothing store:
Dirk Mengedoht,Elena Tschertkowa-Paulenz
Christine Wesche
Medical coordination:
Tim Heitland
Polar aircraft:
Martin Gehrmann
Silke Henkel
General Information
- Freight handling
- Customs issues
- Insurance. (Accident & Health)
- Guidelines for environmentally correct behaviour
- Nagoya protocol (internal)

Please read the information carefully to be well prepared. If you have any questions regarding your expedition please contact one of the above mentioned.