Research at the Filchner Outflow System
The region of the Filchner Outflow System in the southern Weddell Sea is considered “hot spot”, both in terms of biology and physical oceanography
The factors contributing to this oceanic area of enhanced food availability are not yet understood. By including biotic components from phytoplankton via benthic organisms and fishes to seals and abiotic parameters such as bottom topography, sediment structure, and hydrographic features, we aim to comprehensively investigate the Filchner Outflow System (FOS). Here the outflow of ice shelf water of the Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf interacts with warm deep water of the Weddell Gyre circulation. This interaction is supposed to be the primary cause that converts this area into a biological “hotspot” where trophic level interactions maximize. Oceanographic models predict marked changes in the hydrographic features of the FPS with potentially dramatic changes for the biodiversity in this area. Physical, biogeochemical and ecological studies with Polarstern in the FOS in the southern Weddell Sea shall characterize this hotspot in detail in order to recognize and predict changes. In this context, four recent research expeditions were carried out in the Filchner region (PS82, PS96, PS111, PS124), and with expedition PS146 we will further complement our work. Weddell seals, which carry satellite transmitters with oceanographic sensors, make valuable contributions to this.