PD Dr. Cédric Meunier ORCID

Senior scientist
Cédric Meunier
Ökologie von Schelfmeersystemen
Alfred Wegener Institut

27498 Helgoland

Veröffentlichungen und mehr

Veröffentlichungen, Präsentationen und Berichte: EPIC repository
Daten: PANGAEA repository
ResearchGate | GoogleScholar | Orcid

Externe Aufgaben (Verantwortlichkeiten)

Head of section Shelf Sea System Ecology

Speaker for subtopic 4.2

Head of working group Food Web



I am an ecologist specialized in studying the consequences of global change for biological communities. I study the interactions between phytoplankton, microzooplankton, and mesozooplankton in micro- and mesocosm experiments. A major focus of my work is to strengthen the links between ecological stoichiometry, metabolic theory of ecology, and trait-based ecology in order to investigate the impact of global change on food web structure and dynamics.