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RV Maria S. Merian im Perlerfiup Fjord, Westgrönland. Foto: Daniela Voss, Universität Oldenburg
02. October 2018
Online news

Expedition with RV Maria S. Merain to the AWI Hausgarten

A team of 22 scientific expedition participants around deep-sea biologist Dr Thomas Soltwedel from the Alfred Wegener Institute is currently conducting research on board RV Maria S. Merian in the so-called AWI HAUSGARTEN.
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View from above onto the surroundings of the Håkon Mosby mud volcano.
28. September 2018
Online news

Observing the development of a deep-sea greenhouse gas filter

It takes time to do a thing well, this also and specifically applies to the deep sea. In a long-term study, marine scientists from Bremen for the first time observed the colonization of a deep-sea mud volcano after its eruption. Only slowly, rich life develops around the crater. The first settlers are tiny organisms that eat methane escaping from the volcano. Thereby, they keep this greenhouse gas from reaching the atmosphere. By and by, other microbes and eventually higher organisms settle. The present study describes how the colonization of the mud…
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27. September 2018
Short news

Ex­cel­lence Strategy: Uni­versity of Bre­men Suc­cess­ful

New Cluster "The Ocean Floor – Earth‘s Un­charted In­ter­face" at MARUM
Arktisches Meereis. 

Arctic sea ice.
26. September 2018
Online news

Polar policy briefing in the European Parliament

Today, EU-PolarNet is presenting urgent polar issues in the European Parliament in Brussels. During a two-hour long policy briefing themed “At the frontline of climate change: Key changes in the Polar Regions that call for European action” the AWI coordinated and EU funded project outlines its five polar white papers.
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24. September 2018
Short news

UN Sustainable Development Platform

Antje Boetius discusses at the United Nations headquarters in New York about the sustainable development goals: Sustainable Ocean Business Action Platform. 
17. September 2018
Short news

State visit to Finland

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will be paying a state visit to the Republic of Finland from 17 to 19 September. AWI director Antje Boetius is part of the delegation.
de: Wellengang in der Nordsee. Aufnahme vom Bord eines Schiffes.
en: Waves
13. September 2018
Short news

Welcome for New POGO Scholars in Berlin

Member of the German Bundestag Ernst Dieter Rossmann, AWI Director Antje Boetius and Karen Wiltshire, Chair of the Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO), welcome tonight the ten new scholarship holders of the Centre of Excellence at the Helmholtz Association in Berlin.
Im Rahmen des Projekts RESTORE vom Alfred-Wegener-Institut und Bundesamt für Naturschutz nutzen AWI-Biologen Austernkäfige, um die Lebensbedingungen der Europäischen Auster nahe eines Windparks vor Helgoland zu erforschen.
13. September 2018
Short news

AWI scientists around Antje Boetius at 2nd Dialogue Meeting Marine Research

Today representatives of science, authorities and politics come together for the 2nd Dialogue Meeting "Marine Research and Marine Conservation" in Berlin. Among other things, they exchange information about research projects in German coastal waters.
Meereis nördlich von Grönland fotografiert auf der Forschungskampagne ASIMBO 2018
13. September 2018
Press release

Arctic sea ice continues to track far below average

When the summer melting of the Arctic sea ice ends in the middle of September, the minimum ice extent is likely to have decreased to an area of 4.4 (+/- 0.1) million square kilometres, according to researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the University of Bremen.
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Erster Entwurf des AWI-Technikums: Anmutung von der Drehbrücke zum Weser Yacht Club  aus gesehen.
12. September 2018
Press release

Site preparation for AWI's Technical Centre gets underway

The site preparation for the Technical Centre starts in mid-September. The new building on Klußmannstraße is part of the AWI campus in the 'Handelshafen' area. Anyone interested can find out more on-site on Sunday, 16 September.
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