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Sonnenaufgang an Neumayer-Station III 2015
29. July 2015
Online news

First sunrise for the Antarctic wintering team

 On July 27th  the members of the wintering team at the Neumayer Station III have seen the sun for the first time since May 21st. The polar night officially ended on July 22nd in Atka Bay. But the wind blew with 20 metres per second and snowfall prevented the nine-member crew from watching the sun rising after two months.
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AWI director Karin Lochte and the Argentinean ambassador Daniel Polski talked about the successful German-Argentinean cooperation at Carlini base, the Argentinean research base at Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula.
20. July 2015
Online news

Argentinean ambassador visited the AWI Bremerhaven

The Argentinean ambassador in Germany, Daniel Polski, visited the AWI Bremerhaven today. In talks with AWI director Prof Dr Karin Lochte and several other AWI scientists the guest got to know more details about the institute itself and the long and successful German-Argentinean cooperation in Antarctica.
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Uno General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon during his short visit at the AWIPEV station (8th of July 2015). He caught up on technologies to measure atmospheric climate parameters.
10. July 2015
Online news

Ban Ki-moon visits AWI research base

Together with AWI researchers and the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Norway Ban Ki-moon launched a radio-sonde. He was impressed by the balloon and the technical possibilities. In front of the glacier he called for action against the climate change.
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Heincke-Expedition HE-408
03. July 2015
Press release

Research Vessel Heincke: Serving Science for 25 years

A quarter of a century old, with over 900,000 kilometres (488,842 nautical miles) logged and still on the cutting edge of science and technology: 8 July 2015 will mark the Research Vessel Heincke’s 25th “birthday”. Staff from the Alfred Wegener Institute, which operates the Heincke, take part in expeditions with the ship just as often as fellow researchers and students from Germany and abroad.
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Coral reef and Boat (c) A. Venn
02. July 2015
Press release

The oceans can’t take any more: researchers fear a fundamental change in the oceans – even if greenhouse emissions are successfully reduced

Our oceans need an immediate and substantial reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. If that doesn’t happen, we could see far-reaching and largely irreversible impacts on marine ecosystems, which would especially be felt in developing countries. That’s the conclusion of a new review study published today in the journal Science.
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29. June 2015
Online news

From science to policy

How communicate researchers their scientific knowledge? And how is it carried to policy makers? These were two of the questions that were discussed in one of the "Arctic Discussion Series" in Potsdam.
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26. June 2015
Online news

AWI Directors Visit Siberian Partner Institutes

From 14 to 21 June 2015, for the first time the two AWI-directors Prof Karin Lochte and Dr Karsten Wurr visited Siberia. Their goal: to meet our local research partners in person and to support the continuing development and expansion of Russian-German scientific collaborations.
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26. June 2015
Online news

Honour for Professor Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten

Professor Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten recently received an extraordinary honour for his past achievements and long years of promoting Russian-German scientific collaboration.
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04. June 2015
Press release

Few opportunities to change: ocean warming and oxygen loss are putting marine life under more and more pressure

If you want to live, you need to breathe and muster enough energy to move, find nourishment and reproduce. This basic tenet is just as valid for us human beings as it is for the animals inhabiting our oceans. Unfortunately, most marine animals will find it harder to satisfy these criteria, which are vital to their survival, in the future. That was the key message of a new study recently published in the journal Science.
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02. June 2015
Press release

Spotlight on marine litter: A new book presents the current state of research

A new book gives an overview of the current state of research and of research gaps concerning litter in our oceans: “Marine Anthropogenic Litter” will be released by Springer-Verlag as an Open Access publication in June 2015. The editors brought together experts from around the globe to contribute to the book. Estimates of the amount of litter in the world’s oceans, its distribution, effects on humans and biota, and prevention strategies are just some of the complex topics addressed in the book’s 16 chapters.
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