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year at the seafloor, recording tiny earthquakes in the vicinity of the so-called Aurora hydrothermal vent field. The vent discharges hot and black smoke into the water column and our sensitive seismometers [...] back repeatedly to selected ice floes in the marginal ice zone. We have made a detour to the Aurora Vent Field and our last work areas were located along the east coast of Greenland. Behind us lie more [...] will arrive back in Bremerhaven in the early hours of Wednesday morning. © Mario Hoppmann Trip to Aurora 15. August 2022 A keen observer of our cruise track may have noticed that we did a five-day detour

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second dive to the seafloor at Aurora we successfully collected a hot spring fluid at a newly discovered vent. We intentionally targeted an area of lower-temperature venting where mixing and cooling of the [...] we have set up on the ship. Preliminary results indicate that the chemical environment in the Aurora vents is highly conducive to the initiation and maintenance of microbial life. © Courtesy of the PS137 [...] July 2023 A year ago, eight highly sensitive ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) were deployed around Aurora. Sitting on the seabed, they recorded the slightest ground motions, which is supposed to provide

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NUIs Expedition zum Hydrothermalfeld Aurora 11. July 2023 Unser Tauchroboter NUI hat seine ersten Erkundungen am Hydrothermalfeld Aurora abgeschlossen. Am Freitagabend wurde NUI ins Wasser gelassen. Dabei [...] drei Jahren über den Pol 05. July 2023 Wir sind mittlerweile in unserem zweiten Messgebiet, dem Aurora Vent Field, angekommen. Doch so groß der arktische Ozean auch sein mag, genau hier hat sich eine massive

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on sea ice melt north of Spitsbergen and deploy equipment for seismological measurements in the Aurora Vent field. However, during the transit to the north we first have to unpack, set up equipment in the

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six-week voyage we will explore the formation of new seabed and the hydrothermal circulation at the Aurora Vent Field as part of the ALOIS (Arctic Lithosphere-Ocean Interaction Study) project. We will recover

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