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NF-­‐POGO Centre of Excellence 22 published the memories of a survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp and several articles in different handbooks. In 2013 she decided to move to Helgoland where she worked [...] This work provided me with basic knowledge on deep sea ecosystems such as seamounts and hydrothermal vents and human impact, as well as more advanced experimental set up, respirometry, fish behavior, physiological

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How to tackle heat and fresh water budgets? Role of bottom boundary processes; role of hydrothermal vents for the Arctic Ocean; exchange between Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic; Greenland ice-sheet/ocean [...] from Agouron Institute to travel to Namibia and participate in the 4th African Research Discovery Camp on Microbial and Geochemical Oceanography in Upwelling Ecosystems that organized by Sam Nujoma Research

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