PETA-CARB in the Media

Here you will find web links to press releases and media reports related to ERC PETA-CARB as well as interviews of PETA-CARB team members.


2018-11-19 In a contribution by rbb Wissenszeit: "Children ask questions" on the subject of "Climate change in the Arctic", some PETA CARB members can be seen and heard.

2018-10-20 Based on an interview with PETA-CARB researcher  Guido Grosse the newspaper Neues Deutschland reports on research on thermokarst lakes and carbon emissions: Wärmeschub aus der Kälte

2018-09-19 The newspaper PNN reports on the 15th ICRSS conference in Potsdam which is organized by Guido Grosse: Thaw at the North Pole (in German only)

2018-09-06 Ingmar, Guido and other colleagues are authors of a guest post "How Arctic lakes accelerate permafrost carbon losses" in the science blog "CarbonBrief".

2018-09-05 A PNN newspaper article reports oncurrent results of a study in the journal Nature Communications to which the PETA-CARB researchers Ingmar Nitze and Guido Grosse contributed: Thaw in the Arctic concerns polar researchers in Potsdam (in German only)

2018-08-07 Ingmar and Guido co-author a joint-paper in Global Change Biology on the expansion of beaver habitat into the tundra in north-western Alaska.
This paper was captured by several media including local to national newspapers, online journals and radio stations. Here you can listen to the two radio interviews for WDR5 and Deutschlandfunk (both in german): WDR5 | Deutschlandfunk


2017-06-21 On the occasion of the Long Night of Science 2017 the article "Campen für die Forschung" Jens was interviewed for, was published.

2017-05-31 The Earth System Knowledge Platform (ESKP), initiated by the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centers, published a comprehensive article about the expedition to Bykovsky Peninsula.

2017-05-16 An other article about the expedition to Bykovsky Peninsula was published in "Wiener Zeitung". 

2017-05-11 The newspaper Tagesspiegel und one day earlier the MAZ published articles about the expedition to Bykovsky Peninsula. Jens, Guido and Michael joined the expedition that succeeded end of April.

2017-02-24 Frank gives an interview with the BBC about rapidly thawing permafrost close to the settlement of Batagay in Yakutia (Russia). The article has been also featured in DIE WELT.

2017-02-03 Jens published a comprehensive article titled "Permafrost: Pandoras Gefrierschrank?" for the BMBF's Year of Science 2016/2017 Seas and Oceans.

2017-01-02 Jens gives an interview in the magazine "radioWelt" in Bayern2 on the subject „Gefahren aus dem Permafrost“.