Organic Geochemistry Laboratory
In the organic geochemistry laboratory the investigation of the quality, quantity and maturity of organic matter (F1) is one of the main tasks. The used methods are Rock-Eval pyrolysis (quality and maturity of organic matter; F2), gas chromatography (F3) and mass spectrometry (F4) (quality and quantity of organic matter). The latter method allows us to analyse specific biomolocules (biomarkers, e.g., n-alkanes, sterols (e.g., F5), highly branched isoprenoids, alkenones (F6). By these molecules we obtain detailed information about the sea-ice distribution (sea-ice proxy, IP25, F7) and the origin of the organic matter (terrigenous and marine biomarkers) as well as (paleo-) temperature, salinity, and productivity of the surface water.
The instruments for the above mentioned analyses are listed below.
Contact person
Dr. Kirsten Fahl
+49 471 4831 1578
2nd Biomarkerlab (Research Group PALICE)
Contact: Dr. Juliane Müller
- Rock-Eval pyrolysis analyser for determination of quality, maturity and source-rock potential of organic matter.
- 2 Gaschromatographs (HP 6890, Agilent 7890), equipped with autosamplers, cold injection systems (Gerstel KAS 4) and flame-ionization detectors (FID).
- 2 GC/MS-Systems, consisting of Agilent 6850/ Agilent 7890 GC, Agilent 5975/ Agilent 5977 MSD, and an autosampler.
- 1 Dionex accelerated solvent extractor (ASE 200), for automated and unattended extraction of up to 24 samples per extraction sequence.