Events in the Research Division

Alfred Wegener Lecture

Every two years, the Climate Science Reseach Division of the Alfred Wegener Institute invites to the “Alfred Wegener Lecture in Climate Science”. The AWI Lecture is a lecture series in which outstanding scientists and experts from Earth System and Climate Science are invited to present the latest scientific findings and innovative research approaches.  The public lecture highlights current issues in climate science, including interactions in the climate system, new modeling approaches and the consequences of climate change. Afterwards, an open discussion round provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange with researchers and guests. The lecture promotes international networking and strengthens the dialog between science, politics and society.


Friday Seminar

The lecture series “Friday Seminar” comprises scientific lectures by guests of the Alfred Wegener Institute as well as by AWI employees. The aim of this event is to benefit from each other scientifically through the presentation of new questions and research approaches, ideas and partial results in professional discourse and to provide new food for thought.

The seminar takes place in presence with the option to participate online. A new lecture can be registered at any time on AWI-Nextcloud.

Location: Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar- and Marine Research
Building G, Klußmannstr. 3, 27570 Bremerhaven
Building H, Klußmannstr. 3, 27570 Bremerhaven

Martin Losch Valentina Volkova Sergey Danilov Gerrit Lohmann



Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project

In preparation for the upoming Paleoclimate Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 7 (PMIP7), the scientific community interested in past interglacials assembled for the PMIP Quaternary Interglacials Kick-off Workshop, both in presence in Bremerhaven at the Alfred Wegener Institute, and online, with participants from the Americas to East Asia and Australia connecting to Bremerhaven. There were 25 registered in-person attendees and another about 65 registered remote participants, with in total 90 simultaneous in-person and online attendees at peak hours. In total, 37 talks were presented in six different thematic sessions towards achieving the goals of the workshop: a) bringing the community up-to-date with current research on Quaternary Interglacials; b) providing a status overview on PMIP4 interglacials science; c) definition and organization of the next iteration of the model-model and model-data intercomparison. Various discussions occurred within dedicated discussion sessions or over a cup of coffee. Among the outcomes of the workshop are the formation of different focus groups that will advance towards PMIP7 Quaternary Interglacials from different directions, including the collection of available benchmark data and the formulation of modelling protocols. We have learned at the workshop that there is interest in the scientific community to expand the science portfolio from the current and last interglacial also to earlier, often more exotic, and partly much warmer interglacial climate states. Improving our knowledge on climate dynamics during past warm climates is key to generate a baseline against which our current understanding of future warm climates can be refined. Consequently, we interpreet our work in PMIP also as scientific support for the wider efforts in the understanding of present and future climates derived in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP7).
Christian Stepanek Louise Sime

Special Friday Seminar

Special Friday Seminar is a special lecture format of the Reseach Division of Climate Sciences at the Alfred Wegener Institute. Several times a year, it offers research groups and sections a platform to present their current and pioneering work to a broad audience. The format promotes in-depth discussions on innovative approaches, new methods and the global challenges of the climate system. As a central place for scientific exchange and networking, it enables young and ambitious young scientists in particular to actively participate in the professional dialog. The Special Friday Seminar is aimed at the entire Reseach Division of Climate Sciences and is open to all interested scientists at the institute.