Restoration of native SKate species in the German Bight – Developing Approaches Towards population Enhancement
Project duration: 2024-2025
A feasibility study is being conducted within the SKATE project to investigate methodological and ecological potentials of sustainable population enhancement for various skate species that were (formerly) native to the German North Sea. The focus is on egg-laying skate species at risk, including the blue skate Dipturus batis, the flapper skate Dipturus intermedius, the thornback ray Raja clavata, and the starry ray Amblyraja radiata. The aim of the feasibility study is to describe the functional ecological role of this group of organisms in native ecosystems from a conservation perspective, and to analyze and evaluate potential reintroduction and population enhancement measures for selected skate species. This project provides insights into the potential ecological effects with the goal of protecting and strengthening severely threatened species, as well as reintegrating the currently missing functional role of this group into the ecosystem.